Dermatologist appointment for NEXT week - score! I'm legit excited. Took 3 tries, but I have a winner. I've been putting off taking care of some skin tags I have for a billion years because of the out of pocket cost but George has been super encouraging about me getting it done already since he knows it's really messing with my self-esteem.

I have a few on my eyelids, but the worst one is the one in the corner of my eye. It's gotten bigger over time too so I think it should be looked at even beyond the cosmetic stuff.

Alicia ✿
Oh awesome! Tbh, one of the perks of getting married is getting on my FH's insurance.
I want to go to the dermatologist too. I have some tags on my neck that I haaaate and I'm too much of a baby to try to remove them myself.

Mmw Strangelove
ooh, score

Alicia ✿
: girl, why do you think I married my man?? We were together for something like 10-12 years before we tied the knot and honestly, it was mostly for health insurance. Not dumping on it for those who want weddings etc, but for us, it didn't feel necessary except for taxes and insurance.

Alicia ✿
i thought we'd wait until next year to get married. i'm obviously in no rush. but he'd like it to be this year for the taxes. LOL

Alicia ✿
: so romantic

but yeah, I tease George all the time about how I almost make up for being so expensive to "keep" because of all the write offs he gets from my medical expenses

Alicia ✿
Right? I mean, tbh, the main reason we decided to do it at all is so if he drops dead, i get his social security. lmao

lol, yeah, that's part of it for me too. We made sure he has a good life insurance policy too.

although, honestly, not to be morbid, pretty sure I'll drop before him

Alicia ✿
i kind of hope i do. i know that's morbid too, but out of the two of us, he'll be MUCH more able to take care of everything and of himself.

I get it, I think we're in pretty similar boats

Oh I had exactly the same skin tag issue, including one big one in the corner of my eye. It affected my self-esteem, too, so I got that one removed the minute I had the chance, but the others are all still there. Hooray for your appointment!

: ty!