So, I didn't get to tell you - turns out I have a fence... and a fence problem.
https://images.plurk.com/5PvxrS5jyfxgPHSHiKbF8C.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4ulkJTQzO51E4kYAptBPwx.jpg
See that pole? That's the permanent laundry-line pole that is at least 1-2m in from my rear property line. I'm using it for Piston's tether-trolley.

See where they put the fence? WHERE THEY PUT THE FENCE?!
Did they call me to discuss this? No. Have any of them EVER hung laundry out to dry themselves? Obviously not.
Irrelevant to people with measuring tapes who don't know how to use them, I bought some hardware cloth, double-ended snap hooks and zip-ties to make a sort of anti-Schnoodle panel across the double gate that is easy enough for the lawn people to open, but should keep the gate from being pushed open by a dog jumping against it.
T. A. Lowery
A bit pricey, but get a property survey then show them they're encroaching. Legally, they'll have to move the fence. They may even have to reimburse you for the survey, which THEY should've had done BEFORE installing said fence.
They knew where the corner stake was! Their own website uses a Google Maps satellite view mod that has property lines drawn all over it!
They're going to move the fence, which at least just needs to be extended back instead of completely redone, but it hasn't been scheduled yet.
Apparently I will have to go supervise.
T. A. Lowery
:-o They stole a bit from your garden my placing the fence wrong?
Tillie : Kindasorta? They missed the rear property line by 3-4-ish meters. I think. I didn't measure, but if you look at the laundry pole, the property line is about as far behind it as the fence is in front of the pole.
It's very stupid.
I think they just put the fence ANYWHERE. Like "here is a good place" ...
You'd think!
Maxwell Graf
there may be a right of way boundary too, like some places will not let you build anything within X feet of the road or boundary lines. Here it is 8 feet i think.
Yeah, but this isn't anywhere near the road - it's clear of the alleyway, and even my fence-neighbor said it wasn't anywhere near the property line. (She has a Shepherd-Lab.) There's barely a driveway between us, and it'd be clear of that too.
I'd show the GMap, but it's not handy - basically, the west side faces the city street, north side the alley, south and east are shared property lines. The fence only covers behind the house, really, so the city road isn't an issue at all; the southern fence extends from the garage, so it's not even actually ON that line.
North follows the wall of the house, so the only side that's at all ambiguous is the east/rear, but they ID'd a property stake before they even came out, and missed it by a mile!
Squeak =^..^=
(thinking) Missed it by a mile? You said 3-4-ish meters.
Squeak =^..^= : They don't do metric especially well. We have to be patient with them and make allowances when they try to use it. :-D
dkronfeld : [throws things at your head]
Squeak =^..^=
FENCE IS FIXED. Naturally they didn't bother to contact me, but I left some fairly clear indications of my wishes.

Like saying "I want to keep the maples" about a half-dozen times, with variations run, on a voice message.
Squeak =^..^=
I bought a package of 100 marker flags and used many of them to draw clear and obvious lines for the fence layout around the traumatic tree.
I hope to go see the fence this weekend. I'm happy you have it finally!