I have always wanted to be one of those people who didn't have to report for jury duty because my number wasn't called. This has never happened to me and tomorrow I have to report bright and early. BLEH.
probably too much to ask for some break in the universe because I am a fucking basket case right now, but I know people have it worse. I just need a break.
Tuna Skunk
Tell them covid!
Tuna Skunk : covid, lack of childcare, severe anxiety, medical appointments I can't reschedule, going to pull out ever stop to not have to sit on a jury because I legit don't think my mental health can take it right now. I made an appointment to see my doctor about my anxiety because it's just out of control lately. I mean, you know me.
MarvelMouse 🐭
This happens to me too, I always get called. When they hear that my company will pay me while I'm in Jury Duty its all over but the crying. But SOMETIMES you can get away with things like, I had a bad experience with a cop (case is about a cop). Or, I hate all personal injury lawyers. Pull out all stops for sure. also...(cozy)
MarvelMouse 🐭 : trials in California can be SO long too. At least based on my one experience sitting on a trial in California ;-)
MarvelMouse 🐭
yep it's painful ;-)
This sucks. I’m sorry.
the 1st time we never made it to selection. the 2nd it fell on a holiday. now I'm disabled and never to ne picked again