big woop my... actiblizzard... diversity score...
big woop
1. Not a man, +5
big woop
2. Fat, +6
big woop
3. American, so +0
big woop
4. Not straight, +5
big woop
5. Does significantly nearsighted count as visually impaired? I mean if you put me in a combat situation without corrective lenses I'm pretty fucked. +4 if that counts.
big woop
6. White, +0
big woop
7. In my thirties which I assume counts as "average" adult, +0
big woop
So 20 if the glasses count
this is incorrect since they push symmetra's autism so much that should be on here
big woop
Look if it was a useful metric then Junkrat would not have his own bespoke disability score
see I would just assume that one was "has heavy metal poisoning from shrapnel that got embedded in him"
on account of my dad was real world level of blows shit up as a teen/young adult and literally has some garbage can in his skull