People new to my timeline likely have a vague idea, at most, just how fucky my overall health is. My mental health though takes a huge plummet this time of year, and it can heavily influence my physical health. I'm in chiro/physical therapy, so that'll hopefully count for something... but if it doesn't
I struggle super hard with depression, and I'm not currently in therapy, since that's something I struggle with keeping. I am a very difficult patient! I hate being helped. But anyway my depression symptoms are very, very RNG-like. Some days I will dive into RP hard... and then I might go weeks without the spoons for tags.
So this is the heads up that I might be a difficult RP partner for a while. I do best with folks that don't mind leaning into handwaving stuff to fill any space between threads.
But yes. I am on some helpful meds, on some good health plans... Just gotta do the daily balancing acts and make sure I don't spend too long letting myself get swept up in thought
Also... remembering to eat. I've gotta figure out good alarm reminders for that bc I do... pretty bad at remembering this! And that is 90% of what'll have me plummeting hard, mood-wise