https://images.plurk.com/7vhDcmlXyxPwrg7sHduQtI.jpg today we rode mule

They look like a horse but a bit more thicc and smaller. With different shape of ear and nose according to the cowgirl that help us.
brokeback mountain
Gina Havier
Mule birth from Horse x Donkey
Gina Havier
so it looks funny, but cute lah
evantonky : since we’re in valley, it’s Richfront Valley
Gina Havier : I’ve been screaming wanting mule ride experience, because I like mule.
kirain mule kurir narkoba
semangat kakaa
blue skye, white clouds, trees, horses
Tembak² Dor⁴
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Kul, Wuri!