A new study has found that eating too many refined grains, like white rice, is just as bad for your heart as eating too much Halloween candy. 白癡。任何東西吃過多也是對身體有害的啊這還用你研究嗎?
“A diet that includes consuming a high amount of unhealthy and refined grains can be considered similar to consuming a diet containing a lot of unhealthy sugars and oils,” he continued. 所以呢?具體要攝取多少你認為不健康的米飯才能等同於攝取大量不健康的糖和油呢?
Refined grains are quickly broken down by the body since they have been stripped of fiber, which leads to a post-meal spike in blood sugar levels, per the CDC. .....白米飯的升糖指數相對高所以糖尿病人不宜多吃這不是常識嗎?但那跟身體康的人有三小關係?每天要吃多少白米飯才能吃出糖尿病?
White rice is just as bad for your heart as candy, s...