red x violet! bang dream's yukina x ran! (p-rock)
tried doing two characters this time around~ xD
Ah my favorite part of the MV, where they screamed at each other face to face xD

That's a start
that was probably the most memorable part for me too. xD
Song is FIRE too, had it on repeat xD

and once again, requesting critique.
ah, sure~ go ahead please~ :3
First the easy fix
- Simply cropping the pic to primarily focus on the two felt it gave more tension than the original pic.
Next one is a personal fix
- I adjusted Ran's position to make her face closer to Yukina just like the MV.
- Redrawn Ran's face, fixed the highlights , added right thigh, added some shading
- Added a bit more shading to Yukina using the MV as reference.
- Changed the BG entirely, made it closer to the MV.
I'm no expert in composition, as I'm learning myself.. but that's where I'm focusing on the critique/fixes and conveying more of the energy between the two.
easy fix:
-hmm... tried cropping it too. it just didn't feel okay for me cropping out their outstretched hands like that. (aha)
personal fix:
-you absolute madman! the redraw on ran's face and hair and repositioning her was great!
-the addition of her right thigh kinda gave her the impression that she's leaning forward~ sweet!~ 8D
-nice job on the shading on both of them. it looks more dynamic now. (kinda like seeing it from a lower angle just like in the MV)
-nice job on the penlights! (LOL) and were the colored flames done using a special brush? (aha)
-daaang~ you're getting really good at compositions~ thanks for doing critique on this!~ your composition really brought their clash at the center of the pic.
- I guess when you worked on the whole pic it feels like a waste to crop
- Since the MV showed them from a low angle I had to adjust Ran's head (and head size which I forgot to mention) to it look more dynamic
- Looks like body gesture is quite important in expression
- Yeah I downloaded a smoke brush from CSP Asset store. As for the penlights I google'd a multi colored dot image and used it as penlights then blurred it xD
- You're welcome and thanks for the complement! I want to get good
-ah, i didn't notice that until you mentioned it. good point there. (thinking)
-yeah. :3
-ah! i knew it. xD
and haha! good trick there on the penlights! xD