Tomorrow is my first day of physical therapy and I'm nervous. I don't know why! I mean, I always get a LITTLE nervous going to new drs or well, doing almost anything new tbh. I'm weird like that. But yeah, I feel a little extra nervous.
I think maybe part of it is because I'm anticipating negative stuff related to my weight and just like being treated without empathy/care? My body hurts ALL over all the time. I am super sensitive to anything beyond the lightest touches on probably 75% of my body.
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
Being asked to move in ways you haven’t been in a while is always a bit distressing and then there’s the eternal fear that they won’t accept your body size despite your acceptance
Yeah, well, not sure I 100% accept my body, but I'm working on it! I'm going to try to be super upfront about what I'm capable. I did let them know that I was there for post covid care when I scheduled but I didn't go into my undiagnosed possible fibro thing. I'll try to explain that at the start of the session.
You’re not weird. I’m completely the same way with doing/trying anything new. People always say, oh my how brave you are. How bold of you to that alone. I’m like, what other choice do I have? If I want to do/try something it’s 95% certain that I’m doing it alone. I’m not brave I’m scared shitless!
The anxiety in me is insane but the alternative is sitting on my ass alone in my house.
FREEarmStar🌟🎉 : I can totally understand how it doesn't feel like a choice but it IS and I'm glad you're "brave", it inspires me, as cheesy as that sounds.
And yeah, I think I've been living WAY too long in my comfort zone and my stupid health stuff has made it worse and too easy to stay here but I know the only way I'll have a life worth living is to push myself through this all.
Keep pushing on!
You got this, and yeah, like I'm al;ready dreading getting on a plane all by myself, I don't like new things without some sort of emotional support just in case.
Mmw Strangelove
I bet it'll wear you out but in a positive way, like it'll go great and feel like progress.
Mmw Strangelove
Fearyfox(Reyn) : I go so early to flights because I get nervous, too. But having like four extra hours really takes the stress out.