Work doesn't finish when the tourists go home. Part of the job has always been to guard the Tower at night. Martin's delving through the archives revealed that there was a civil service dispute in the 1930s during which the Yeoman Warders went on strike.
"However, they felt it was still vital to patrol the Tower at night," she explains, "and so they continued with that part of their job and then donated their pay to charity." 這段話很英國人,所以我喜歡英國
琴酒是一種蒸餾烈酒,添加了杜松子(juniper berry )以及其他植物或香藥草來調味。
品牌特別喜歡強調他們是「唯一在倫敦境內生產的琴酒品牌 」
名稱則是源自於倫敦市郊的要塞城堡「Tower of London」倫敦塔城的皇家守衛軍。
御用侍從衛士 (Yeomen Warders)
the Beefeaters, are ceremonial guardians of the Tower of London.
Want to be a Beefeater? | History | The Guardian
然後Red redemption會出現就因為是那時代,新大陸流行的琴酒,這真的很合理