the recent weather forecast may be slightly wrong for the UK as well as the USA.
it was allegedly going to be clear & colder last night, with huge quantities of rain for all of today.
found it to be less cold in here this morning (17.6 instead of 17.1) and foggy in the morning, without anything other than 1 drop falling on me thus far because I went outside and was probably under a drippy tree.
still locked in combat (or a war of wills or something) with the squirrel invader though. It was scrabbling at 6:53. Then it went quiet until 7:30 ish - and it seems likely it was inside. But it didn't leap out at the odd-job man when he unsealed the damaged corner of the house again.
it was quiet in/on the roof for a while before more scrabbling in this opposite corner just before 11am.
if there's some sort of schedule. Banging with the snow shovel on the ceiling doesn't seem to have flushed it out initially but perhaps I do need to be more persistently noisy to upset it.