on hiatus
No PWMs from me! I'm still hiatused in TLV, and I have enough of a TDL there as it is. And with Dup, there's still the event and current plans, so! /extends leggy

on hiatus
I'm good just continuing with how things are for now, lol. Let me know if there's a specific thing you wanna play within the current stuff, or anything related to part of a TDL item, though

One Winged
I'm excited to see how the ~talk~ goes

on hiatus
vibrates at u

I would just like to play with you at all so

on hiatus
We will have curry-off to look forward to


One Winged
are they going to have a curry making contest

That is the plan. Jamil insulted Akira's skills.

One Winged
that's amazing

on hiatus
/sparkles at

on hiatus
And anyone unlucky enough to eat the ultra spicy curry that Akira makes, while having a terrible spice tolerance............ rip

Akira maintains that he didn't expect Akechi to finish the whole plate!

on hiatus
Poor man just dying on the spot

We can plot....LATER

on hiatus

on hiatus
gib all the plot

on hiatus
soooo much stuff I'm excited to plot for