: makanya Samsung sampe sekarang kagak berani pake fast charging sih. saat brand China udah pake charger 150 Watt, Samsung paling besar kayaknya cuma 40an Watt
tapi produk mereka belakangan udah nggak ada masalah begituan kok. still think they're overpriced sih
: on Xiaomi etc, can't really tell. have no experience with their after sales services. which is pure luck, since i used a lot of their product lately.
on Samsung, i have to agree. pernah bantuin temen ngurus hape sama tablet-nya, they take it with no hassle at all.
in that case, go with Samsung. that's probably why they'reoverpriced. kayaknya ongkos menyediakan spareparts itu memang jarang diperhitungkan ketika kita menganalisa harga barang, yah...
tapi produk mereka belakangan udah nggak ada masalah begituan kok.
still think they're overpriced sihon Samsung, i have to agree. pernah bantuin temen ngurus hape sama tablet-nya, they take it with no hassle at all.