a space cocoon
romantic state of the rp
a space cocoon
right now I only have one character in the game and that's ysayle who spent most of her adult life (and probably more cause I refuse to accept that ARR was anything less than 2 years of passage) thinking she was the reincarnation of a dragon's wife!
a space cocoon
and he (rightfully) kicked her to the curb for that so between that and having a one track mind about her goals she's not really receptive to the possibility of romance right now
a space cocoon
though she's fully accepted the truth of what Hraesvelgr told her it's still hard to just flip the switch on what's probably close to 8ish years of thinking and with a whooole lot of other baggage I can't quite articulate yet with her still being an incredibly new muse I don't think romance even registers for her
a space cocoon
not to say that the feelings couldn't develop or start to at this point in this but she would be fully ignorant of them
a space cocoon
but I do look forward to that sweet, sweet build up in the future
a space cocoon
since there isn't anything currently going on I'll take about her past!
a space cocoon
Before she starting kinning Shiva/before the Calamity when she still lived in Falcon's Nest I came up with a friend she had then called Amelie who she had a.......I was gonna say puppy love sorta crush going on but looking up the exact definition it doesn't quite fit? Just a little mutual crush I guess and they held hands and smooched in secret but it
a space cocoon
never got to be anything serious and she ended up dying in the avalanche like all the other people of Falcon's Nest
a space cocoon
Got some anecdotes of them trying to make out while hidden in a chocobo stable which ended up alarming said birds and landed Ysayle with a small scar. whoops. don't unsettle chocobos kids.
dried squid.
"kinning shiva"
dried squid.
a space cocoon