I am not okay. I don't know when or if I will be okay. I think I will. I'm not sure. It'll take time, and I have the time to take, but it's difficult right now. And I wanted to say this where people would see it, because it felt important to do it that way, even without owning it. Because sometimes, people aren't okay, and staying silent doesn't help.

I'm glad you were able to say it


It's okay to not be okay

Hang in there anon


yes! Please hang in there anon, we are here for you to vent and shout into the void whatever you need to say. It's ok to not be ok, but I hope you are able to find help or a way to get yourself back to being okay. You will be ok eventually even if it takes a while. And being able to admit you're not ok is a big step in getting to a better place

I believe in you!

I haven't been strong enough to admit how not okay I am, so I have a lot of admiration for you saying it.

<3 look after yourself anon.