pixie lovemail
[Apollo] quick fyi. artemis probably isn't going to be around much for the rest of tonight and most of tomorrow.
pixie lovemail
i'm also in a fucking foul mood for stupid reasons so i'm not inclined to socialize. might feel better in the morning, who knows.
Sorry to hear that, anything we can do to help out either of you?
pixie lovemail
no. not something anybody can fix. internal issue.
pixie lovemail
gesture is appreciated, though.
pixie lovemail
alright, psa is done. that's going to be it from me
Dragons Dragons
I hope you're both going to be okay.
I hope you both feel better soon :c
Sorry to hear, hope it improves.
pixie lovemail
less grumpy this morning. still gonna be me for a while though.
☆ 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ☆
if either of you needs anything, please let us know. hoping that you feel better soon.
pixie lovemail
realizing I made this sound a lot more dire than it actually is so let me reassure you all by explaining what happened
pixie lovemail
had a lot of shit to do last night but Artemis got super absorbed in a game and wouldn't let me have the wheel for hours
pixie lovemail
I got pretty fucking pissy about this especially since I had to stay up until midnight working on the shit I had to do which was way harder than it should've been because we were exhausted
pixie lovemail
hence grumpy
pixie lovemail
taking today as a real me-day and also taking care of everything that needs to be taken care of before Artemis gets absorbed in mg stuff
Probably a good plan given how busy her weekend is with online things
you can order or prep multiple meals if you see fit! or set up a little schedule to go to campus dining if that's a more suitable thing there