Niamh Vibes
The Outbound Ghost is out and the reviews seem kind of lukewarm, looks like it's confirming your fears
seems like it's kind of sparse and simple and the combat UI is clunky
yet another paper mario 2 clone that is not paper mario 2
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
I guess back to waiting for the ttyd!paper mario 64 mod
Niamh Vibes
I guess I might still grab it eventually if its on sale but not anytime soon
Doge-lover Joja
on one hand, I'm glad people are trying to keep the dream alive, but on the other, it saddens me that no one can land the gameplay
Doctor Ansem
I watched something of this and like, I'm not sure if it was a boss critter but the timed hits looked unfortunately obnoxious and the enemies had WAY too much HP for how much damage the guys were dealing.