Peil Wiggler
[video james] I've come to the conclusion that spyro 2 w/ permanent super flame power-up basically (at least for me) plays like, "what if you gave the baby dragon a sniper rifle"
Peil Wiggler
Or "what if Spyro re-classed from vanguard to infiltrator"
Peil Wiggler
the range on the super flame: near infinite. the ammo: unlimited
Peil Wiggler
as I'm replaying this I think I'm realizing I have at least done PARTS of this game with this ability before bc I went back in post game and got all the skill points
Peil Wiggler
you can just... curb stomp Gulp by spamming flame breath. theres no risk to it bc he gets stun locked each time he gets hit. you dont even have to pick up any orbs.