tsuchinoko real
https://images.plurk.com/66bqbsj3uSawfn2wniQlTH.png https://images.plurk.com/1ttL3YjvH9QtpqmA9gaEHK.jpg
tsuchinoko real
ended up getting him from the marketboard because he wasn't terribly expensive but he's mine now
tsuchinoko real
https://images.plurk.com/1H1OWGtrDsQeG1qElYrTyR.png i also tried my very first synced extreme trial
tsuchinoko real
as you can see I did. well.
tsuchinoko real
the best attempt we had got her down to 27% hp
EX4 is near savage levels of difficulty tbf
tsuchinoko real
I've never even done savage stuff synced before lol