Not sure NOW is a good time to announce you can track women's cycles based on their temperature in the new smart watch, Apple. Not exactly a selling point at this time.
and yes, I am sure you can opt out but ... it feels a little tone deaf
Not sure if it's just me
Mmw Strangelove
I did think it was bad timing to say the least. They should have loudly declared a privacy policy about it at minimum.
Mmw Strangelove
That's like when my tracker says stupid shit like, "you'll get your period sometime in the next two weeks!" Like that's helpful. I'm always like, are there not women on this team? 😂😂😂👍
Yeah. I'm in a safe state. And Apple seems to be pretty good about privacy but I'm not technically savvy enough to know just how good etc. But like... still does seem tone deaf to not at least address privacy. I mean, maybe they did in the entire presentation. I only read highlights and didn't see anything.
I have Clue and it's pretty good. It's also Euro so by THEIR law, they need to follow privacy laws of the EU
ok, so they do address it sort of but... yeah, still kiiind of thinking it's tone deaf regardless
They're a global company though, with hundreds of millions of customers who are not in the USA. Why is it tone deaf of them because one country can't get it's shit together?
dkronfeld : hahaha, that's kiiind of a fair point.
Besides, I'm sure only people in those liberal elite states that still have abortion access buy Apple products, right? ;-)
Absolutely ;-)

But, it would have been tone deaf at other times than just, "... at this time..." for them introduce these kinds of health features if you're talking globally :-P
Don't you dare think I'm not on to you and what you just did. Touche my friend.
(Apple is far from perfect (they're downright shitty about some things), but they do go on and on and on and on and on about their privacy features, especially about health data. It's how they've chosen to differentiate themselves from Google/Android.
I think they're still the only ones who make app devs disclose what info is being collected and how it's used.)
Yeah, I honestly wouldn't be able to figure out how well they practice what they promise
Mostly Phen
when will they begin texting or Air Dropping that warning to significant others or those nearby or with a need to know so they watch their steps?
Mostly Phen : yeah, not really how Apple works though!
Mostly Phen
Thank goodness!
Mostly Phen
Mostly Phen
Kinda like a "check engine" light...but a "bitch mode activated" light. hehe
OhCecilia : From a technical perspective their privacy and security mechanisms seem to be well designed. Ultimately we can't know for sure how well they adhere to their stated principles. I would say though, that they are heavily incentivized to deliver on their promises.
People are poking at their software, hardware, and services all the time, and the evidence has been that they're generally good to their word.
dkronfeld : Well, I don't know that I trust your expertise....
But seriously, I figure if you feel relatively comfortable with them, they must be at least ok.
I feel less uncomfortable with them than I do with anyone else ;-)
(I also suffer no illusion that their posture toward privacy is ultimately anything other then self serving)
Mmw Strangelove
I always thought the air tag drama was super dumb because the only reason apple got flack for it is because they had the only one that beeped to warn you it was there. Durrrrr
Sean Gorham
I've been using Apple's health features in my phone for a few years now. I certainly don't implicitly trust Apple (they are a corporation after all) but when it comes to privacy and data security they've generally done a good job. I think the temperature sensor stuff will be ok, too.
Sean Gorham
Apple planned the temperature sensor stuff long before all the SCOTUS madness this summer. My guess is they were going to release it this year no matter what.
Sean Gorham
Honestly, I'm more worried about how my local healthcare providers protect my data than I am about Apple.
Mmw Strangelove
I used to work in a doctor's office and wholly, wholly agree. You think people who work in medicine are smart but you would be mistaken! at least in this sense.
thaumata: I recently was accidentally passed part of another patient's record along with my own stuff!
People who work in medicine are among the worst for infosec.