Mr. Paw is sick, he says it feels like a head cold. Haven't tested yet ashe is working but my brain is sure it's covid and he is gonna get super sick and die then I will and we'll leave our poor animals.

spiral spiral spiral... down the rabbit hole I go.
It's Me Whiskey
Nooooo, don't spiral! Pippin is getting over a nasty cold. It's lasted a full 10 days but she tested several times, including a PCR test and it wasn't covid. It can just be a cold. <3
There's a hella bad cold/bronchitis going around. The man has had it for three weeks, mine was pretty light. We swore it was Covid, but nope.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Sometimes a cold is just a cold. I understand entirely how are thoughts run away with us and it’s ok. We’re here for you!!! How can we help ?
Mmw Strangelove
. Hang in there!
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
thank you guys. I took an ativan and had a nap I'm feeling less doom now.
I know how this goes. Hopefully it's not covid but even if it IS, most people end up fine, especially with the vax and boost.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
he tested negative today