vengeance ⚖️
hello. logging into my murder plurk so this is with the most relevant people.
vengeance ⚖️
i'd like to start off that i'm available to chat with anyone who would like to, either one or one or in a group dm, but i'd prefer that it be kept private rather than wholly public - my discord is morevna4108
vengeance ⚖️
and id also like to note that I am extremely busy at work right now, and thus probably a little unavailable a good portion of the time - I apologize about that and replies may not be immediate
vengeance ⚖️
ive seen (some) of the plurks starting to happen, and I just want to note that I see what's been said, and I acknowledge that - I did not reply because I didn't want to insert myself into a situation where I'm not sure my presence was wanted or needed
vengeance ⚖️
I can't say I can solve every issue, but I'm more than willing/happy to listen to concerns or questions
vengeance ⚖️
and I won't claim to have all the correct answers - it is personally very stressful to me to have everything I say analyzed in a way and looked at for discrepancies because my main thing is I want everyone to enjoy their time in any games I run and when anyone plays with me, and I absolutely love playing with all of you
vengeance ⚖️
so sometimes I'll say the wrong thing, or won't word it perfectly and for that I apologize, I think it's only human
vengeance ⚖️
in speaking to that I think it's a necessary reminder that there are two sides to every story, and that mistakes are not made with malicious intent, I can promise that
vengeance ⚖️
I feel like I'm terrible at expressing my thoughts on this! mainly just know you can speak to me any time you like, for real, and i'll do my best
vengeance ⚖️
thats pretty much it
vengeance ⚖️
hello i also cant believe i have to say this but if people who have been transphobic in public spaces repeatedly are saying something maybe consider they are lying to save their own ass just pointing it out!
vengeance ⚖️
if that had happened with someone they may not be invested in presenting the full truth to you