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/Rubs eyes and mumbles under breath
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So it has been in hour into my shift so far and let me walk you through what's happened so far...
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I got in at 7:30, settled in (logged in and grabbed the screens I needed), and then I went about my daily work routine getting in the shift...
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I unlocked my stuff and headed to the ER to grab charts, grabbed labs charts (they didn't have any) along the way, and then made my way downstairs. I had to scan my temperature in because since covid that's been required and on the way back grabbed a drink for the cafeteria before going back to the elevator to go back up.
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From there, I swung by the other hallway to Radiology to grab whatever charts they had from the night (none) and returned to my desk
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This is all very routine until I'm about in and I see a patient and one of the radiology people at my desk paging for me
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"he came up here because nobody was downstairs"

Okay, the business office doesn't open until 8 and it's like 7:40 that's why... Which she should know that by now. It wouldn't be so bad if she did say it in a "how could you not be here when he walked in?!" kind of tone... Sorry, I was doing my job and did not account for someone walking in while I was away
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Which was... Not that long btw. Maybe 2 mins??
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Anyway so I look him up and he was here for blood work and diagnostics... Which is not very clear. I couldn't find him on the schedule, so I looked him up and he's not scheduled at all for anything, but there are orders for a Creatinine and an MRI. That's my assuming that he's here for but didn't say that specifically so had to be sure
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So she said she was going to look into it on her end and called back saying I had made an encounter for it but wasnt scheduled. Just because I made an encounter, that does not mean it was finished for reasons. The only reason I can think of without knowing exactly because this was a few days back was that I was waiting on a call or someone to get back to me
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And they probably never did so the order was never completed. The order that was in the system was put in by the provider themselves. So it wasn't anyone from here to even go to to ask about it
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Okay well then we asked who told him to come and come to find out it was a letter through mail by IHS.... Not by one of us actually calling him....
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Well now the problem is this. The next open spot today is at 1:30 and if by chance the first one didn't show up, we might be able to squeeze him in right away. Okay well then the first one doesn't show up and I get a call from the MRI truck to put him on for the spot since they didn't show up
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So I put the MRI on because I was given the okay, print the stuff out, and go to hand it over the the MRI tech... Only to find out that they're going to schedule him for Tues...
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My confused ass is like... But you called not long ago and told me to put him on for today... "That's correct."

.... okay???? So is it today or is it Tues??? "we're schedulimg him on Tues." okay but you told me to put it on for today, so do I need to cancel this? "yeah we said to put it on for today so you'll keep this for Tues"
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IS IT TODAY OR TUESDAY?! GIVE ME A STRAIGHT ANSWER. AFTER MULTIPLE TIMES OF TRYING TO CLARIFY... because he kept saying yes to today but also Tues.... Come to find out the scab would take longer and it was decided after they called me to do it for Tues but not communicated to me to make any changes....
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And then even better is having the radiologist talk like you really fucked this up to me even though she didn't say it in those words. And I'm reminded of this simple fact...
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If an encounter was started, but not complete, THERE'S A SCHEDULING REASON FOR THAT. not because I simply forgot and chose not to do it. Because I had to physically take off the order if that's the case. No one should have given him a time if no order was in and he was not DIRECTLY CALLED BY SCHEDULING to set it up... Or by IHS telling me. Still a call
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Do not fucking turn this on me like this is my god damn fault. I do not put an order through unless it is completed. I know Tues I was waiting on 4 orders to finish because people did not get back to me or did not answer their phone when I called multiple times that day
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I'm just so fucking tired already and it's only almost 9am I'm here for another 10 hours.
what the fuck???
Schedulers can't get a break, jesus
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I called these people like 10ish times in 8 hours... Ball parking that number
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It is not for the sake of not trying I assume you
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It wouldn't be so bad if the radiologist wasn't so judgmental in her tone the entire time to me and it would be fine if it was "we don't know what happened but we're trying to fix it" without the tone
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Ob assess came in got them in and was told to bring them over... Fine... But then someone walks in so I had to take care of them before I could bring them over for MRI and CT... So I print the labels needed for it and sign them in. About to go and finally take that Ob over, someone else walks in... Thankfully it was just a clinic appointment
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So I call them and about to leave finally, I get a call asking for an armband for someone and "well didn't they come up form that way?".... No... No they didn't.. But I'll bring one over anyway...
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Finally I can take the ob over but have to make a Detour to grab charts along the way and drop off the wristband. Finally bring them over and deliver the paper work. Get back to my desk and get a call asking if the MRI was up here. I said she was at one point bu Tim not sure where she is.
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"well the MRI tech is looking for her. Can you go and find her?"

.... I mean I have no fucking clue where she is but sure..... So I figure maybe radiology has her because she had a CT after. Go there and ask and "yep we have her. The MRI tech already knows she's here"
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Okay but I just just called to fucking find her because they DIDNT KNOW WHERE SHE WAS
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Get back to my desk after that pointless trip and get a call from the person handling the ob and "you have the wrong doctor" MAYBE YOU SHOULD TELL ME WHO IT IS WHEN YOU CALL ABOUT IT
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And then I had pharmacy come over asking about an order for that person that needed the wristband (which wasn't an issue. Quick to cop it after all), but apparently they never got faxed it... But lab did.
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I'm just really tired guys.... I am glad this position isn't nearly as frustrating as my past one here and realistically, I don't get frustrating days like this often. So that's a blessing honestly coming from the previous position where I'd go in everyday think "what am I going to get yelled at for/fuck up today?"
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Sometimes I'd think about that the night before even. I was just prepared to let people down even though I never tried to because I was just not good enough for them
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But even so this is just incredibly annoying and frustrating when the whole day's mentality has been "problems are happening and they're all your fault even though you had nothing to do with it"
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I can deal with trying to problem solve, just not when it's a "I'm taking my aggression out on you because I feel like it" type of thing
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Am I getting a little defensive? Absolutely... Because I feel like I'm pushed into this corner sometimes. I'm trying not to be a passive aggressive person or a defensive person but fuck it's hard sometimes
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I'm just being a salty bitch right now honestly... Like I'm so close to the "I want the world to burn" feeling today and trying to calm myself down
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I have 2 modes...
1) I want to be a nice, good person that's pleasant to be around
2) I hate humanity and everyone. Let the world burn
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I don't hit 2 very often thankfully but I occasionally get reminded of how much humanity pisses me off at times.
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Not that today is THE WORST but... It sure as hell is annoying so far