Zigzag Stampede
RP wishes I can grant? For PSL or
Zigzag Stampede
I know I have a lot of tags outstanding and I'm sorry for that, but help me get inspired
When George gets his Driver's License, he and Manji ought to go on some ill-advised road trip.
Follow some rumor about an artifact at some roadside museum and get tangled up in some DEA investigation accidentally. Just something bonkers.
Some conspiracy theorist starts yelling they're time travelers.
Zigzag Stampede
Zigzag Stampede
Manji would be all: yeah? So what if I'm a time traveller?
George just...
We need to do just stuff
Zigzag Stampede
We do. I fell off keeping up with anything so I missed all of her posts so far.
I'll probably be tossing up something for her in the next couple of days :-)
first wish: keep writing that Thedas PSL because reading all the comments the next day is like my own personal fanfic update (LOL)
but seriously, I want Plant things. and Dark things. And idk, it might have to be more PSL things vs. game stuff to keep from overstepping or whatnot
then I remind myself that i'm always tired with half a braincell and likely can't keep up with PSLs pffffff
time to rook
i am so amused that you read the thedas au. XD
time to rook I popcorn that shit so hard, you have no idea (LOL)
pfffffffff I don't even remember why I put a stalker pin on ZZ's musebox but it was the best decision I've ever made LMFAO
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah the musebox when playing Vash is sometimes easier to brain as I don't have to worry about game mechanics or consequences (LOL)
Zigzag Stampede
If I fuck up it's a lot easier to go to that person and go: I dun made an whoopies
Zigzag Stampede
And I've been playing Vash forever so it's ea2
also, Dragon Age is on the EXTREMELY SHORT list of video games I've played, so it's a double interest hahaha
Zigzag Stampede
(also my responses to this plurk right now are going to be slow as still at work not from a lack of interest!)
Hi5! gotta love when you have your muse's voice down so well you can write them in your sleep... upside-down... backwards... and possibly in another language....
Zigzag Stampede
/hi five
Zigzag Stampede
I got out an hour late from work again today. God it does so much to demoralize me and makes tagging hard
Zigzag Stampede
But I'm trying to push through some of the older ones tonight before I need to sleep