Zigzag Stampede
Just fired my personal trainer for cancelling last minute again after ghosting me. So why do I feel like I'm the bad guy?
Zigzag Stampede
I doubt most people would have even given him a second chance.
🌼 blondie 🌼
Sometimes people suck.
🌼 blondie 🌼
It's nothing to do with you.
🌼 blondie 🌼
They just suck and that's their vibe.
Zigzag Stampede
An hour before this make up session we're supposed to do for ghosting on me he texts to say his CPR licence expired and he can't train until a class he's taking this morning to renew it.
🌼 blondie 🌼
He sounds like a mess.
Also, how do you let a license you need expire?
Zigzag Stampede
I called him out on how he didn't know about this class sooner and his excuse was his boss told him last night that it expired so he didn't know until now.
I mean, I'd be fired if I let my technician license expire
Also, my boss doesn't tell me my license and certification is going to expire
I keep track of it
Because I am an adult in a job that requires a license and a certification
Zigzag Stampede
Which: a. If you're a personal trainer you should be on top of that any way (or I would think you should; not that I've been one myself)

But most importantly
Zigzag Stampede
You knew last night and this morning. Why not tell me last night
I mean, I have a license that would expire on 9/30, but I already renewed it
A month and a half in advance
My boss did not tell me to renew it
Zigzag Stampede
And he was like we can still do our normal Monday time!!! And I'm just like: are you even sure that your licence will be in by then? Maybe he gets it as soon as he finishes the class, but I don't trust this guy any more
Zigzag Stampede
When I told him I was done and to refund/cancel for our missed sessions rather than make it up he offered me 2 free ones to show he can be dependable and he's just having a bad week
Zigzag Stampede
And I almost took him up on it because I really, really enjoyed the two sessions I manged to have with him
Zigzag Stampede
But while I do think he is having a bad week between losing his phone and this CPR thing that doesn't exactly explain the other sessions he's moved around last minute that I didn't ask for an explanation for until they became the normal
Zigzag Stampede
I was willing to let one or two slide because life happens but this has been literally every meet up so far.
Jesus... no, you're absolutely not the bad guy here. Dude seriously needs to grow up if he wants to run his own business.
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah, and I'm a new client is what I kept thinking. If he's okay like this while we're trying to get to know each other how is he going to act when we're more set into a rhythm?
Zigzag Stampede
If I just brush this off now then it just means it's okay moving forward
Zigzag Stampede
And while my old PT often would cancel he would tell me as soon as he knew about it. And would send about 16 I'm sorry messages
papermint tiger
yeah time to look for a new one for sure
papermint tiger
that sucks
Zigzag Stampede
And half the stuff he cancelled/rearranged for was things like: my car broke down, my daughter is ill, and once or twice: oh shit I'm a moron who double booked.
papermint tiger
but if he can't even make himself look good to impress a new client...
papermint tiger
yeah double-booking just looks sloppy
papermint tiger
especially if you do it more than once
Zigzag Stampede
But he would immediately own up to them and apologise up and down. Then would make sure not to let it happen again.
Yeah, not to mention old PT shaped up really well when you called him out on him.
Zigzag Stampede
So well
Zigzag Stampede
He had some issues, but I think my biggest thing was he seemed genuinely upset when he did things like that.
Zigzag Stampede
Would be the first to offer a free or extended session for a fuck up. This guy only offered the two free sessions when I said I quit.
Zigzag Stampede
And I'm not sure if I'm disappointed in myself because if he hadn't admitted to letting a licence run out/had a class/knew last night I might have actually given him another chance if he just said: something came up.
Zigzag Stampede
Maybe I wouldn't. But I probably would have.
I'm glad you didn't. He needs to get his head on straight.
Only way he'll learn is if it costs him.
Zigzag Stampede
Now I got to find another one.
Zigzag Stampede
I liked him. I really liked him. I was so excited to start kick boxing with him.
Zigzag Stampede
Damn first trainer getting me addicted to kick boxing. Can't do that on my own (LOL)
Hey, all that matters now is that you've gotten free of him. Imagine how sloppy he'd be with the actual training if he can't organize scheduling. He could've forgotten contraindications or whatever and gotten you injured.
Especially with kickboxing.
Zigzag Stampede
I'm going to check out the: PT wall at the gym closer to my house. Maybe this will be a blessing in disguise. As he was at the gym closer to my old job
Zigzag Stampede
serpentcyborg : also I'm glad you mention that as it does make me feel a bit better. As, yeah, pretty sure he should also be on top of this and most bosses don't keep track of that.
𝔬𝔥 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝓎 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫
dude, when I volunteered doing tavern work at my LARP you had to have a food handlers permit and while they kept track of when they expired to know who was allowed in the kitchen and who Was Not, it was 100% on you to remember it expired and renew it on time to be able to work in game.
𝔬𝔥 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝓎 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫
it's not a bad thing that you were kind and gave extra chances and that you tried to be understanding. you were more understanding than a lot of people were. but if he can't accept that this was his screw up and he had multiple chances to not screw up, well, that points to a much bigger problem.
Zigzag Stampede
Silver lining is I'm cuddling instead of working out right now https://images.plurk.com/3nocCl3G0rngz3qPkfQTgi.jpg
𝔬𝔥 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝓎 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫
awwwww yea
Zigzag Stampede
So much purr. Although she's going to be disappointed in a moment when I get up to start some chores. I just decided to sit with her to have a warm drink before I get started.
Such a sweet face!