potato boyo
potato boyo

extremely large volcanic eruptions, such as Mt Tambora, Krakatoa, are known for causing a period of global cooling. this is due to the very large amount of ash released.
potato boyo
The Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption in January was ash-poor, and actually pushed a large amount of water vapor into the stratosphere.
potato boyo
This will likely cause a period of warming instead of cooling.
yeah. :-(
I need to find somewhere cooler.
potato boyo
lava tubes on the moon
Max Graf
Thats how the millenium falcon almost got eaten.
potato boyo
that was no moon!!
Lucy Stephanie
Oh noooo
why didn't we hear more about this?
potato boyo
I don't know. I just happened onto this channel a few months ago and subscribed cos I like the way the guy talks.