Just Lore
since she came back, is Handler's death count reset?

I just realized that she's died twice since she got back XD. If it didn't reset I might have to look back and confirm how many other times she died.
Just Lore
Meow Knight
fdslkfs what was her first death?
i don't think so but i can see literally nothing on nico's faq directory which has. everything on it so might be worth asking? i'm counting dick's death from last time
Just Lore
She got killed by Faramir last month during the fog. XD
Just Lore
I'll ask. It would be good to have confirmation. Tallorance : thanks for checking.
Just Lore
Question submitted, I'll let y'all know!
it occured to me i didn't know and I Literally just referenced his death in a reply lmao
Just Lore
I mean, he'd still remember it! God, I should look to see how many times she died last time. I think it was only once and it was during a plot... But I could be wrong.
Just Lore
It was during the Thing plot. She was mutated and Mabel Pine killed her.
Meow Knight
If it turns out the earlier deaths count and you don't want her to lose any memories, we can always take a different direction in our thread and allow Handler to live another day.
Just Lore
No, it's fine. I'm still totally cool with it!
Meow Knight
Time to consider what she might forget, if indeed she has to~
Just Lore
Right? I have ideas. I may have to make a list, because I'm sure she's going to die again.
Just Lore
The official word is they count!
Meow Knight
Ooohhhh dear.
Just Lore
Okay. So the plot she died in was optional for the death counting towards the memory loss limit.
Just Lore
Now I just need to remember if she'd died any other time lol
Just Lore
Okay... I thiiink that might have been the only one. She almost died one other time. So I'm going to say these are her two.