SL Name Survey Results: 75% Wouldn't Pay to Change T...
1 in 10 would pay to change their SL name. Even though it costs about as much to change your RL name in many states!
Some failed to grasp the permanence of their SL name when they chose it.
I mean, who wants to go around with JustinBieber4Eva still floating over their head twelve years later?
Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
I want a last name so badly, but price and inability to get Revolver just make me mad
Gogo ♔
can u blame them -- like, im surprised it's not MORE? with the first names only, many people end up being Stacy12346
Gogo ♔
hamlet, your readers are just cheap or oldbies; the noobs are 100% getting last names to appear less noob
L♥la Gh♥st
I might pay it. I wasn't planning on staying in SL. I just created an account to check it out. 13 years later.. and I'm still checking it out. I wanted Lola Ghost, there was already a Lola Ghost so I added 500 randomly. I might pay to get rid of the 500. I think the other LG left SL.
Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
I would pay up to $40 to have “Kitty Revolver”