Oh, the cold, the void, the light out 哦,寒冷,空虛,光芒熄滅 This warmth will go, wither out 這份溫暖終將消逝,終將凋零
Dearest, i shall not long 親愛的,我並不會永久長存 Grief in insistance 如是強調,如是悲傷 How to break this bond 要如何打破這聯繫 when it's timeless 當它是永恆不變的 when it's cherished 當它是被珍惜著的
Nearest, yet far beyond 如在目前,又遠遠不及
Warmth in the distance 那遠方的溫暖
How would you respond 你會如何回應
to this madness, this existence ? 這種瘋狂,這種存在?
Hold me closer 再抓緊我一些
Hold me tighter 再抱緊我一些
I'm Mirroring this clear view 我對應著這清晰的視野
Filling up with blindness 就好像盲目至極
Projecting that i need you 表明著我需要你
To overcome my weakness 才得以克服我的軟弱
This warmth will go, wither out 這份溫暖終將消逝,終將凋零
Dearest, i shall not long 親愛的,我並不會永久長存
Grief in insistance 如是強調,如是悲傷
How to break this bond 要如何打破這聯繫
when it's timeless 當它是永恆不變的
when it's cherished 當它是被珍惜著的
Hold me closer 再抓緊我一些
Hold me tighter 再抱緊我一些
Feeling crushed with brightness 震撼於耀眼光輝
Forgetting that my time flew 忘卻時間流逝
Forgetting i was lifeless 忘卻我已了無生機
The cold, the void, this light out 寒冷,空虛,光芒熄滅
Our warmth will go, wither out 我們的溫暖終將消逝,終將凋零