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A plurk in which it becomes apparent that Theo is crazy!

Not satisfied with Jikan and her five characters or VR and her one. She's planning on apping into two more games. Why? Because she's lost her gods damned mind is why lol! So much so she's started talking in the third person!
Hey, whatever makes you happy, friendo. Go get all the pretendy funtimes! \o/
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Until I burn out of course lol! At least VT is just for a couple months of madness so I can bring that madness over to Jikan!
which games? I'm hunting for post VT funness
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Ahhh well I don't think you'd be interested in the one. I have joined with Duo in that psl one youre in though!
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It's just a shame that Jikan wouldn't be a good fit for you!
Yeah. I keep wavering.... but I really am freaked out about how easily plurks I see about the game spiral off into NOPE I AM NOT COMFY WITH THIS territory.
And I don't wanna step on anyone else's fun when it is easier for me to just stay out.
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Aww I'm so sorry. I don't know if mine go like that really? I'm sorry if they do! I try and limit how much my plurks go that way and, I'll be honest, I don't really take part in a lot of the xrated stuff! I like the friendship bonds and the found family stuff so much more!
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I'm sorry if I've ever made you uncomfortable, is what I mean!
Nothing for you to worry about. :-D
You use your plurk how you want to. I am a grown adult and perfectly capable of closing and muting a plurk.
You on Disco, btw? I have some work to do and would love to have someone to chat with as I pick away at it.
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I do worry though! You're my friend!
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I am just invisi ^^ I should be asleep but I've decided to wait until the afternoon to go to bed now because it's so hot!
Thank you. I appreciate that. I was just reading a few here and there that weren't marked NSFW to get a feeling of what the baseline is for the game, now that con is over. When I can't handle one, I back out and mute
kk, I'll poke you there.
that sounds like a lot
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One is only for two months to be fair lol
hahahahah the 5 characters alone! i thought my current three was a lot XD
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I'm a glutton for punishment, it seems!
Bah Humbug
Becomes apparent???
Bah Humbug