illin' klorvus
it's thirsty thursday so here's a listing of things i want, from the wishlist i keep in notes, in no particular order (maybe some vague things i'm planning too)
illin' klorvus
-edging with oral sex. quentin being the obvious candidate since that's his two favorite things but anyone tbh. also more dominant edging/denial
illin' klorvus
-related: i think seg is gonna develop an orgasm denial kink for when he's topping because it makes him feel like he's in total control of everything, including his own body/self
illin' klorvus
-someday...the fucking stars will align...and quentin will flip it around on someone who's only ever seen him sub
illin' klorvus
-i want quentin to overestimate his size queen capabilities and be restricted to topping for a few days while he heals lmfao he will be the grumpiest baby
illin' klorvus
-someone should randomly text quentin "friendly reminder that good boys don't come" with some kind of flower or relaxed face emoji
illin' klorvus
-someone should also tell quentin, while he's stressing over clothing for some reason, "it doesn't matter what you wear, you're just going to be taking it off"
illin' klorvus
-i'm looking forward to orla actually hurting someone by fighting full strength and suddenly realizing that being down on the weaker end of the spectrum of human strength does not mean she can't hurt anyone and she still has to impose limits on herself
illin' klorvus
-someone should make out with quentin and finger him at the same time
illin' klorvus
-if quentin ends up being collared full time with steven, people should use it to pull him around
illin' klorvus
-i really want to do a longer-term thing with quentin and orgasm denial using the bracelet, i might do this once everyone's recovered a little from the violent delights party? the problem as always is event interference but tbh it would be fun if there's some event he's REALLY HORNY FOR that he keeps the bracelet on through just to really suffer
illin' klorvus
-orgasm denial as a punishment for orla, since there is basically no other way to punish her at this point. also punishments for orla that are like...the harder type of punishment and not basically "for fun" but actively meant to curb a behavior
bote lalin✨ sign loki up
illin' klorvus
ehehehe PERFECT
illin' klorvus
once they actually get into denial i feel like loki is gonna TORTURE him with it and quentin is gonna be living his best life
illin' klorvus
illin' klorvus
-chastity devices. both quentin and orla would suit this, probably for relatively short terms but they'd both be into it for those short terms
illin' klorvus
moby d🦆ck
i would say irving could somehow help w/ longer term orgasm denial/bracelet use bc his own default is as longterm as possible + he already does a pseudo-chastity device thing relatively often, except no irving helping anyone with these kinds of things would instead just risk causing them longterm psychological problems i think
ask irving for help if u want to be paying a therapist later
illin' klorvus
lmaooooo he doesn't really need help per se he's just's something he/i always intend to do but it's never a good time, but he/i both have to accept that with an event pace like this there's rarely a good time for any arc that'll take longer than a few days
illin' klorvus
moby d🦆ck : okay though but i AM thinking about them both kind of being Aware that the other is wearing the bracelet and ending up like. I'M PICTURING A VERY WEIRD PSYCHOSEXUAL THING like they're talking about it and it's technically under the guise of shop talk but like they're dirty talking each other for it except they're both on denial so the point is
illin' klorvus
really just to make it worse for each other (which is a positive thing when you like denial so it's like bros helping bros. bottoms unionizing)
moby d🦆ck
oh my god
moby d🦆ck
ʙɪɢ ᴍɪʟғ ᴇɴᴇʀɢʏ
punishments for orla you say
illin' klorvus
moby d🦆ck : i can imagine irving basically shaking but the "scientific data" excuse is juuuuuuust protective enough that he can get words out without melting down
illin' klorvus
ʙɪɢ ᴍɪʟғ ᴇɴᴇʀɢʏ : i do say :> god her control issues are just messily exploding everywhere aren't they
illin' klorvus
jack rackham pricked a balloon
illin' klorvus
(good thing she can messily explode too HEYO)
bottoms unionizing djfddfsg
i still want something filthy
illin' klorvus
moby d🦆ck
lmao i'm imagining irving describing some fantasy or actual thing that happened in like a How Horrid And Sick kind of way but also like ofc into it and both of them just getting increasingly hornier the more elaborate it becomes sdgkghs
moby d🦆ck
wouldn't be on purpose but u know... depending on how it goes maybe mutually just a little unintentionally on purpose
illin' klorvus
i'm recovering from a couple of BAD adhd days but finder stuff is ongoing and i have confidence we can at least get that x in the horny column
cook up some dommy daphne stuff
my adhd has been terrible with game tags for the last 2 months tbqh
i'm so behind on log tags so you're doing great by my standards!!
illin' klorvus
moby d🦆ck : omggggg honestly it would be interesting to see how quentin took that because he might be like "no you should be sex positive, don't be ashamed of liking it, i'm a feminist" but he might also be smart enough to go "actually irving can't deal with this without that veil" and let him have it
ʙɪɢ ᴍɪʟғ ᴇɴᴇʀɢʏ
vanessa is going to want to strap orla down and tease her until she bursts
moby d🦆ck
YEAH LMAO... idek how it'd go with either to actually. discuss anything, but i'm definitely very curious/interested to find out
horny on main.
cait would also be down to text quentin about good boys. cause she knows he likes it.
horny on main.
and telling him not to stress over clothes.
illin' klorvus
ʙɪɢ ᴍɪʟғ ᴇɴᴇʀɢʏ : hehe strap but yes...plz...i commented she probably would not be a good enough girl to get an orgasm at the party and then was like wait
illin' klorvus
moby d🦆ck : we should absolutely find out at some point when quentin's had it on like a week
illin' klorvus
horny on main. : she's a good friend!!
moby d🦆ck
yes please
illin' klorvus
god he'd be really into that from her because he knows she's not, like, invested for her own sake or anything she's just reinforcing it for him
i'm just sitting here with popcorn
illin' klorvus
moby d🦆ck : gimme until like...the middle of the next event, then points to eyes, points to u
moby d🦆ck
i need to gauge how longterm for irving IS longterm these days because jack likes making him come and irving is okay with that so it isn't quite so linear as it probably would otherwise be
moby d🦆ck
oh yes no rush at all!! we can still work on building up their... friendship?? in the meantime
moby d🦆ck
(i also keep meaning to ask if there ARE/should be any side effects/errors he might run into)
illin' klorvus
ye, i think he'll put his on somewhere around the 20/21 and then a week later the Pump will be Primed
illin' klorvus
i'd say not necessarily, he worked on it long enough that the magic is probably pretty tight, that's more there for if like we think of something funny or if irving wants to be like IS THIS AN ERROR and q's like no that's just how that feels, it's good right
moby d🦆ck
jkahfjkgs okay good I JUST WANTED TO KNOW in case like we end up wanting to do a stupid text thread about it sometime
horny on main.
she is here to support! and maybe try to deny him when they’re together.
illin' klorvus
𝒸𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈 : i want julia and orla to also meet and see if it's horny since seg is gonna be king slowburn with everyone
illin' klorvus
horny on main. : god i feel like she
illin' klorvus
'd actually get into that more than other things they've tried
illin' klorvus
(there is a kitten on the edge of my keyboard now...we're doing our best lads)
mmm yes
horny on main.
she’s down to try and experiment with things. she remembers demon!her and angel!him 👀
illin' klorvus
horny on main. : SO DOES HE god all of his angel/demon threads were good but that one might have been his favorite
horny on main.
may have to do a little roleplaying
illin' klorvus
idk how buying the books after was supposed to work, if buying the one you'd just read would like preserve that scene and storyline
illin' klorvus
but if it did he ABSOLUTELY still has their book on a shelf
illin' klorvus
and reads it every so often
horny on main.
oh she has her copy too. and rereads it.
moby d🦆ck
man idk exactly how we'd swing it but getting irving and quentin to talk about Those Books sometime would be super interesting actually... that was irving's first month in dup and well he. feels very differently about it,
illin' klorvus
oh quentin's too! that was his first event
illin' klorvus
illin' klorvus
quentin's inbox to get a page 2 before his six month dupiversary
illin' klorvus
someone text him maybe i'll do a separate plurk for this
illin' klorvus
he's only 3 or 4 away
illin' klorvus
a nonsexy thirst: i think it would be fun for some player plot to come up where quentin could use his demon trap
what about his thirst trap tho
illin' klorvus
he's working that thing every goddamn day