Princess Emily
[also xenoblade 3] did you know the cool rpg Xenoblade 3 has a canon nonbinary character? it does, and they're cool
Princess Emily sneaky woodlands archer
Princess Emily
only uses they/them pronouns, nonbinary VA, making the gamer boys lose their minds
they're cute
Cute Quinn
oh I love them
Princess Emily
They're a recruitable character. XB3 uses a system where your main six party members are static and you can switch your seventh, so they're available as a seventh.
Cute Quinn
so like
Cute Quinn
does XB3 expect familiarity with XB1/2
Princess Emily
I think there's some links but I haven't gotten to them yet
Princess Emily
but honestly I never finished 2 and I don't remember shit from 1 so
Each Xenoblade so far as I've seen does appear to be a standalone experience which is nice
I assume they're all deeply lore connected because the director Does That
Cold XC
and also connected to games they legally aren't allowed to directly mention lol
Cute Quinn
so they ARE related to xenogears??
Cold XC
so loosely and tangentially that you probably have to be a deep lore nerd to even slightly notice
I would honestly be SHOCKED if there weren't at least some references
That's just what this director does
Cold XC
but yeah
He probably has like a 20,000 page master document in his home tying all of the tangled threads together and I sincerely hope they release it publicly someday
I don't want to READ it but I want to know what's in it
Cute Quinn
deathbed xenoconfession
as someone who has beaten it there are DEFINITELY references and I do feel like having experienced 1 and 2 improved my experience of a couple things near the ending, but i don't think it's like, required required
Princess Emily
I'm not finishing 2 and I doubt I'll remember anything from 1 so oh well
Is 2 pretty bad? I hate that I love the designs of the main girls
Princess Emily
it's not honestly, it's just very anime and the designs are very those designs
AzureChrysanthemum : You know the Weeb Ass Shit scale for judging anime? 2 scores highest on all three marks by far, it just has enough like, good things and things that were ALMOST good but failed in the execution to be worthwhile for me personally
Princess Emily
it's extremely anime and the designs are very horny but Nia was almost good enough to make me forget it for a bit
I struggled with 1 due to the combat system and early story boring me so I never picked up 2
Sounds like skipping to 3 if anything is the way to do it
I can't speak to the combat systems of either of the earlier ones i experienced them through LP
Princess Emily
I'm all for starting with 3
Cute Quinn
2 has immense concentrations of two things
Cute Quinn
1. really good character designs
Cute Quinn
2. really bad character designs
The main character looks like a potato so I'd honestly get enraged with the two main girls fawning all over him
For 2 that is
Princess Emily
Nia has better taste than that,,,, probably
Agreed with Quinn with the note that you can also replace the phrase "character designs" with "character beats" and "writing decisions" as you like