who wants my RP Hot Takes(tm), i'm Old On The Internet so I've got a few.
i guess i'll start with the I Have No Patience For The Weird Structure Journal RP Has Nowadays and more than anything else that's been what's kept me from really keeping up with it as a hobby
i think i really had to reckon with what it was about it that made me feel so ambivalent for so long when i played in the last game i was in and it's like..... it Feels Like A Fucking Job
like it's another responsibility with structure and rules and punishments and authority figures now, in games, anyway, idk about bakerstreet and meme comms because those are so foreign to me as to be untouchable
like the barrier for entry on those is insane if you aren't aware of the commonly accepted manners and unspoken rules of them already
and i know the answer to that is Lurk More which, fine, but i have a full-time job and i'm fucking tired at the end of the day and my options are go play a video game or watch videos that require zero brainpower or study for a fucking
arpee exam
that i might not ever even take
and i got untreated adhd folks, that ain't happening anytime soon no matter how much i wanna shout at other people pretending to be other people on the internet
https://images.plurk.com/4N91NC48kFOlLXt4AMs0cL.jpg basically
i hate having to justify my stupid fucking embarrassing decisions to other people and i KNOW WHY THEY EXIST AND WHY IT'S GOOD TO HAVE THEM FOR A STRUCTURED GAME i just
will always hate them sorry
my big ol' idiot brain full of bumble balls (tm) knows exactly who this person is and who they aren't, can i sufficiently summarize that for you in 150 words, absolutely fucking not, and trying to will just make me sound stupid and terrible
unfortunately the kind of games i either would want to play in or open free-for-all comms don't really exist anymore in general so it means kind of
submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known
if i wanna have any fun with fake people online
yeah that stuff is dumb for canon characters but like as someone who doesn't ever play those it's a billion times worse
because it really does feel like "these questions are here because they don't trust me to write somebody i made up consistently enough to be fun to play with and not an irritating marysue selfinsert crazy person" which like
i mean we've all had those in games before but i've been doing this since like 2006!!!! can we all agree i'm not shit by now!!!!!
oh also Hot Take Numero Dos: i will NEVER post nor participate in an HMD
for any reason
i do not want to hear other people's nitpicky opinions about my rp, why the fuck would i invite that upon myself. If someone has a problem with me they can contact me privately or they can do what a mature adult does and Not Play With Me
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
yeah ive well grown out of thinking HMDs are in any way a good idea
honestly if you're in the same circles we're in at this point your writing is FINE.
GOD KNOWS i will tolerate sub-par writing if it means a cool story or Fun Adventures Are Happening and that's great because it means all kinds of people are having fun!!!!!! THIS IS ABOUT FUN
nobody here is getting published!!! nobody here is writing epic novellas about their serious important protagonists!!!! we're throwing iron man at hannibal lecter and seeing what happens!!!! i don't care if you make a lot of typos because you're phoneposting from work!!!!!
the only issues that should be worth bringing up at this point are OOC ones and those can be dealt with by mods in-game or interpersonally ooc like a mature adult, there is no situation that can be improved by anon messages left on an hmd like waking up to find your neighbor let his dog shit on your lawn again
quiznos coyote
i think the unspoken rules and language are a real deterrent for a lot of people, y
quiznos coyote
i've seen some folks from tumblr transitioning into dwrp and while occasionally it's smooth sailing, often it requires letting go of a lot of tumblr conventions in favor of dwrp ones
i have.... no idea how people rp on tumblr. but people rped on polyvore so WHO KNOWS
allow people to Post and they'll work out how to RP on it
quiznos coyote
people used to rp in the comments of youtube videos
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
people will find a way to tell little stories in every medium we create
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
quiznos coyote
the youtube comment ones were very endearing it was usually in the comments of songs
thag don't caare
Also, re hmd: no one ever uses them anyway, so there's literally no point in having them. People are unlikely to approach you with any questions or decency if they have A Problem, they'll just take it to WG so the whole idea behind HMD is pointless
yeah exactly, and at a certain point everybody realized that if you just literally do not pay attention to anoncomms and do not participate in wank shit, it can't touch you
so like............. who cares
Yeah, tbh
quiznos coyote
yeah i have a dropbox for communications if people don't wanna PM but literally everyone has always just PMed me anyway
y exactly, back in the day it was AIM and email and IRC, now it's plurk and PMs and discord
quiznos coyote
i still miss IRC tbh
everybody has multiple ways of getting privately in touch with everybody else, we don't need hmds. i think it was more a gesture thing, like, "look i posted this to prove i'm civilized, i'm an adult who can take criticism and not go running to anon wank comms" which is fine but it's not necessary anymore
i miss irc too
i miss rping in irc!!!!!!!
do people actually do rp in discord???
yeah they do
i ran a discord rp comm a few years back
but hard agree on the hmd.
when we were young (so.... so long ago....) it really had the feel of like, getting together with your messy idiot pals in a dingy basement teen club or cafe or something somewhere and hanging out and being loud and obnoxious and getting Up To Some Shit
would love to do that kind of thing again someday
a discord comm that's just like
a multiversal club
I mean, the nexus community still exists
it's the bronze from buffy where people go to watch live music and dance and have coffee and play pool and eat food and do their homework all at the same time????
but like in discord
for everybody's insane little fake people to blow things up in relative safety
yeah for sure, i like the faster paced chat stuff
yyyyy!!!!! god i feel that so strongly
I could! I've made some pretty intensively organized servers before lmfao.