Sean Gorham
I love Carrot Weather so much.
Trust me Amazon would never sell the layout of your house to improve police raids. Police doesn't pay enough, there are other parties interested and willing to pay more.
Gogo ♔
they're getting your home layout so they can suggest products to you. got an empty corner? how about a book case?
And selling. Ex to insurance companies. "you insured your house for 1000square feet , but we know you have more like 2000, may we suggest . . ."
I could definitely believe this to be true.
T. A. Lowery
Heck, all anyone has to do to get the layout of a house is fill out the proper paperwork with the local government to access the original building plans on file.
"The color of your carpet sucks and your Roomba is not happy about it either. Maybe replace it?"