Mrs Sheepie Eiffel I don't know if that's the compelling argument you think it is
Mrs Sheepie
Shrike: Jedaos don't tolerate idiots
Eiffel: sounds fake but okay
Mrs Sheepie
Mouth Powers eiffel cares So Much about his jaby
Mouth Powers
Jaby is really good but he is gonna give Shrike MASSIVE uncanny valley heeby jeebies
Mouth Powers
Jedao's don't emote like that!!!! boi are you gunning to get reconditioned or what!!!!
Mouth Powers
although really Shrike doesn't mean Jedaos don't tolerate idiots (they tolerate SO many idiots) as that they don't enjoy it
Mouth Powers
even though they would never say so of course :|
Mouth Powers
:| we're friends if you say so sir :|
Mouth Powers
highly unorthodox but ok :|
Mrs Sheepie
shrike is allowed to be wrong (nottalking)
Mouth Powers
shrike is both coming from an extremely fucked social and psychological perspective, and also dead right about the thing about Eiffel that bothers Jaby the most, and it's very funny to me
Mouth Powers
and he's also feeling protective of Jaby but entirely wrong about this because
Mouth Powers
in his universe, "real" people very much do treat the clones like very smart but creepy attack dogs, and Jedao is a noun - they all have bird names like most Kel military hardward
Mouth Powers
so he's like
Mouth Powers
"omfg you don't even KNOW his name, he has to put up with your self-centered deluded ass demanding he perform emotions for you, you're the worst"
Mouth Powers
when he realizes Jaby was definitely not brought up in a Kel training nest he is going to be Supremely confused
Mrs Sheepie
I love that this is happening
Mrs Sheepie
Eiffel starting an argument with the guy who's going to put the blood back in him
Eiffel just like, I have heard of being reasonable and I choose not to
Mrs Sheepie