Alban: I'm such a fking fanboy for your voice Sonny: I love your voice as well. I love your natural voice I want to hear it I want to hear alban's voices 幹啊你一開始就暴露這麼多情報好嗎 是3月頭才debut一陣子
Oh nyoooo始祖 S: that's so cute when you do it especially A: come on don't gas me up like that S: no not at all (1s 最近隊長會限才講發現自己好久沒說oh nyoo還在想如果自己再講alban會不會也講 你就想聽
Sonny: I love your voice as well. I love your natural voice
I want to hear it I want to hear alban's voices
加瀬ふう@\万さんおかえり/ : 日日都糖尿病了
S: that's so cute when you do it especially
A: come on don't gas me up like that
S: no not at all (1s
最近隊長會限才講發現自己好久沒說oh nyoo還在想如果自己再講alban會不會也講