Lynx and Paint
Man so I was talking with Reb last night about dinosaurs and the Jurassic Park/World franchise
Lynx and Paint
and remembered "hey, there's birds today that, even though they don't have vocal cords, can mimic sounds they hear, even manmade sounds"
Lynx and Paint
and then was like "okay but what if some species of dinosaurs could also mimic??"
Lynx and Paint
and how you could make a really creepy and cool scene like that in some JP movie or other
Lynx and Paint
like they clone up a dinosaur, not a raptor again but some kind of carnivorous theropod, not realizing that it has mimic abilities
Lynx and Paint
and like you can get some scene where the humans are trying to run from the dinosaurs or look for survivors or whatever, and then someone hears what sounds like a person going "help! Help! Help!"
Lynx and Paint
and it's a bit creepy because something about it sounds But someone's in trouble or needs rescuing so they gotta go investigate
🐅 its harry
Lynx and Paint
and get out into the jungle getting closer and closer to the cries for help, before realizing it's NOT a person, and then BAM dino attack
Lynx and Paint
like IDK I just think that'd be a creepy and cool sequence
🐅 its harry
i THINK prevailing thought is that most dinosaurs didn't have a syrinx like birds do and wouldnt have been able to produce the same kinds of sounds but i dont have a source so dont quote me on that LOL
Lynx and Paint
aww man
🐅 its harry
HOWEV. this short plays with that idea
"Our Frozen Past" | Dinosauria Series | Animated Sho...
Lynx and Paint
and ooooh gotta see this
Lynx and Paint
more animated dino series please
🐅 its harry
this series is really gorgeous
🐅 its harry
the last one made me cry....
Lynx and Paint
oh noooo
🐅 its harry
this particular short bugs me because some of the behaviour stuff seems massively improbable to me >> LMAO. but the dinos are still really pretty
Lynx and Paint
yeah I love the trend of giving dinos much prettier and more interesting coloring
🐅 its harry
yeah ! the arctic fluff on these ones is very charming
Lynx and Paint
ahhh that animation is cool
Lynx and Paint
I like that balance of the 3D models with the simple coloring/texturing
🐅 its harry