I put Lucy in her sock onesie and all she’ll do is flop over https://images.plurk.com/31F0DDnBI1XT9PdIudTXDN.jpg https://images.plurk.com/30CV7IQ8XbgsCyj59Uj4JF.jpg
Alicia ✿
She'd be more mad if she wasn't still high. (LOL)
MarvelMouse 🐭
i love sock onesies!!!
MarvelMouse 🐭
wow her eye is looking so much better
that's the kitten version of the toddle version of 'going boneless'
L♥la Gh♥st
she looks super cute in it!
she looks so cute!
Tillor Swift
lol reminds me of that video of the cat in a thunder shirt rolling down the stairs