Zilla Fieri
[meme] https://images.plurk.com/73C3QsxhtzsC8KuGYyQ54z.jpg
devil may cry
stair fox
Zilla Fieri
Oops, I forgot to do these earlier because of fatigue. Time to fix that
Zilla Fieri
birdzodia : There's so many good ones, it's really hard to choose here. Uhh...Dante, Vergil, Nero...Nico
Zilla Fieri
I also want to give shoutouts to Trish and Lady and also Griffon and V but it's not fair. Nico edges out because she's fucking amazing, tho
Zilla Fieri
Throppleganger : I would've said Star Wolf but someone might think that includes Pigma and I can't have that. Definitely Wolf, Leon and Panther, though
Zilla Fieri
as for a fourth...hmm. Maybe Fox. Not completely sold on that, but definitely so for the three Star Wolf boys
Zilla Fieri
Frightpatine : G'raha Tia, Emet-Selch, Fordola, Haurchefant
Zilla Fieri
XIV has so many fantastic characters that it's really hard to choose and most of these choices were based on the emotional responses I've had to them
Zilla Fieri
G'raha massively grew on me in a single expansion, Emet was a fantastic villain and Haurchefant left me crying for weeks
Zilla Fieri
Fordola was less of an emotional response, but she was a shining star in the shitheap known as Stormblood
Zilla Fieri
Not just because many things around here were bad, but because she was fucking awesome and her story is compelling