Zigzag Stampede
Today ended up a bit busy but I got a bunch of things done which is good! Including my last session with my old personal trainer. I'm really going to miss kick boxing with him.
Zigzag Stampede
Have arranged for a new trainer that he suggested that is going to do some kick boxing as well with me. I hope we mesh well together
Zigzag Stampede
But it also means I only got to do a few phone tags today. Hoping to clear the inbox tomorrow
Zigzag Stampede
Had about a 10-15 minute meet up with the new one just to do a little exercise and questionnaire to see where my current fitness level is at.
Zigzag Stampede
He was, in his words, surprised by my honesty and found it refreshing with how I answered the questions
Zigzag Stampede
Said most people just tell him 10s across the board and I'm just like: no, I know I'm lazy. I have a lot of hobbies that involve sitting. That's why I want a trainer to kick me in the butt to stop me being lazy.
Zigzag Stampede
When I said my energy levels are probably generally at a 4 but when I'm at the gym I try to push them up to a 6 or 7
Zigzag Stampede
Also warned him I'm hypermobile (meaning I stretch more than most people) so my wrists, ankles, and elbows tend to do funny things. Shortly after he asked me to do a push up from the floor. I warned him: most people freak out over how my arm bends when I do them from the floor.
Zigzag Stampede
<.< he asked me to stop after 3 and change to pushing off the wall as my elbow started bending where it shouldn't
Zigzag Stampede
So we'll see if he still finds my honesty charming as we start seriously training together