does anyone have experience with doing fic exchanges?
I have. quefstions
A tiny bit? I have experience doing like a fic+fanart exchange where you trade either for either
Lightning Bolt
i've done yuletide once
duck bastard
I do! Well, gift exchanges, which can often be the same thing depending on the skills of those matched up lmao
okay I've been trying to articulate my questions but I guess it's just kind of a big blob of "how does this work" ;A;
if I don't see any fandoms I'm really jazzed about in the nominations should I not apply?
duck bastard
I would say you don't have to if nothing excites you, but... 8Ta what got you interested in this particular fix exchange in the first place?
Be Maki-Mine 💘
I gotta admit I flaked one in the past
duck bastard it's an exchange about one of my kinks
duck bastard
Hmm.... 8Ta in that case, even if no fandoms are really exciting you, are there any that you'd still be, like... okay with? bc sometimes the kink helps get you going with a fandom you're Okay with
god... not really :c I guess that means the exchange isn't for me
duck bastard
sometimes it happens!
I guess I'll just keep an eye on the results
Lightning Bolt
is "original work" allowed as a fandom?
Lightning Bolt
you could sign up for that maybe? depends on how many fandoms the rules require you to offer i guess
oh no man I have no ability to write origfic ;A;
why do you think I'm in fandom