1:26:18 唉可娓娓的講起他的故事 好可愛喔用盡各種證明他一直都是Ike 不知道為什麼有點感動 :No matter what happens, where I go, or where you go, I’m always gonna be Ike. No matter what you go through, what hardships you faced, what joy you may face, there’s a blue novelist from somewhere in the world cheering on your every move.
:我不是一ㄎㄟ 不是欸ㄎㄧˇ
我是唉可 你的唉可
嗚嗚嗚嗚我整個大叫 這根本就音聲的等級吧 真的是我可以聽到的嗎
唉可娓娓的講起他的故事 好可愛喔用盡各種證明他一直都是Ike 不知道為什麼有點感動
:No matter what happens, where I go, or where you go, I’m always gonna be Ike.
No matter what you go through, what hardships you faced, what joy you may face, there’s a blue novelist from somewhere in the world cheering on your every move.
他超兇說你媽媽才Bottom wwwww