[rl] gettin' real tired of my coworkers calling me boring
i may not bar hop or drink all the time but i'm not boring
you? boring? excuse me???
you're far from it!
Colorless Juice
That's such a rude and mean thing to say
🌸Springfallen🌸 aww you're sweet thanks i just get tired of it cause they're more normal than me so we really don't have a lot in common
Colorless Juice i'm used to it by now it's not the first time it's just we would have a lot to say but we're quite different
𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘦
rather be boring than fucking rude wow
but don't you know you exist for their entertainment so clearly you must humor them at all times
𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘦 I always forget how rude it comes off cause I'm used to hearing this so i brush it off now
しゅっぱい dons my jester hat I'm on vacation! This is my idea of a vacation!
I don't have kids or a manchild who's supposed to be my partner i don't like drama so excuse me for also having a memory like a goldfish sometimes i'll forget
i don't meant to repeat things but it happens a lot when I'm home cause my mom is losing her hearing in one ear
i have a lot of hobbies but watching anime, playing games, watching tv, and youtube videos of food from around the world is something they don't do
i'd love to talk about more things than just work but I already know it would spread and i'd get the same questions "why are you in your 30s looking at cartoons?" and i don't need to go through that again
I also have my pile of straight fiction whenever I let out that I write
their idea of fun is bar hopping, drinking, dancing, and i'm just not the same
i'm more annoyed now since I've heard this throughout my life but still i'd love to talk more about work but i never know what to bring up
sounds like THEY'RE fucking boring
i get real tired of having at least one coworker call me boring at every job i've had like excuse me for not having drama 24/7
after working i like to relax not have man problems
i refuse to be someone's second mom so yes i'm aware my dating pool is thin as a result but i already took care of my dad not doing it again
I've always thought it said more about people who can't conceive of having fun WITHOUT alcohol involved jfc there's so many valid reasons for people to not want to take part in that
Yeah! I like hanging out or going to eat at a restaurant I’m not much of a club person I mean I’ll go and have one drink but I never gotten like black out drunk but I can remember many times being called boring cause of it
getting blackout drunk isn't fun, speaking as someone who has once just to try it to see wtf everyone said was so great about it. the hangover and anxiety is NOT worth it
dude if someoen called me boring to my face I think I'd go '... sorry I just... did I teleport to middle school? Are you trying to tell me how exciting my life is based on your opinion? An adult, to another adult?"
just wtf
why would anyone think that's acceptable. you are NOT boring and that's NOT okay to say to someone???
nobody asked???
I swear, some of these people like that don't acknowledge alcohol based trauma either that people have (drunk people drive my anxiety/ptsd sky high)
(I don't mind a couple drinks here n there on special occasions but the moment I notice someone drunk? GOTTA GO BYE SEE YA)
sunny as someone who was a hostess and a model in japan and drunk for most of their 20's.... rping and writing and doing creative things and not going out... is the furthest thing from boring
getting wasted in bars and partying at clubs is??? SO FUCKING BORING
every night.....same shit
Colorless Juice
yeah I think a lot of people compensate for how boring they think themselves are with unhealthy social drinking, and they're probably projecting
i'm still resting up from getting two fillings but thanks everyone even though i've heard this before reading this does make me happy
🌸Springfallen🌸 yeah I just can't lose that level of control i've been tipsy and drunk but never black out drunk
ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴᴅᴏ Sometimes working in a school means people go back to that attitude thank you though! Man that's not even the worst I've ever heard from someone. I had an older woman just earlier this year talk about hurting me cause I don't reveal my private life at work so she claimed I was weird
black out drunk is honestly terrifying, ngl. I've seen people be that drunk and just... no
meowtoba i partied a little bit in my 20s but so much other stuff was going on that I didn't do it a lot yeah the one week i did it tired me out a lot
yeah it's not fun at all
but I wanted to say thank you everyone this is only a fraction of things people have called me throughout the years as an adult especially since working in schools and it means a lot that i now know people who like me for me
I would rather get drunk at home bc people will film me.
like being 'boring' is often hand in hand with 'being smart.
its so dumb too bc like... boring is so subjective... like i had fun being crazy and partying but honestly it's more interesting going to school and writing and staying home to be creative
Yeah I like going out and having fun but people look at me funny whenever I mention I don’t like to bar hop or anything like that
clubs are overrated places with marked up liquor and loud music where you can get shot at. :|
I would prefer bars, but drunk people are scary and unpredictable.
most of the time when I'm at a bar I just nurse a drink all night
i just don't like do it all the time which always seems to translate to "doesn't get out enough"
meowtoba yeah! like i enjoy a party and drink as much as the next person but I also love just being around some good food and talking or being creative at home
like some people can't DO crowds and drink every weekend.
summer break is my way of recharging after being very social from September to June
once the school year starts I'm talking all day every day from saying good morning to small talk to listening to my coworkers millionth problem with their husbands