感謝,不過看了數字覺得那先不用轉行好了 這個最妙:The New England Journal of Medicine used to pay $5 per review, until some reviewers complained that "if that was the price that this eminent journal placed on their opinion, the New England Journal of Medicine should seek referees elsewhere"
進步人士整天在講說這是toxic community啦八啦八啦殊不知這才是討論出真理的最後一絲原動力這個aβ到底是因還是果的東東大家打問號很久了,去年FDA通過兩隻抗體藥的時候發出了好一陣怪聲,我這個外行的差點以為大概是爭議底定了ㄅ
我對peer review的印象一直以來就跟69式差不多psuedo anonymous multiplayer congregation看看社科那些系拿公費搞各類鬥爭的樣貌除了給同業沒其他辦法啊
難不成全文上報紙或社交媒體然後看一些研究生/學者私下寫日記罵期刊評審意見寫得像外行人 bla bla bla 就知道後面的審查機制/分工問題有多大然後期刊付錢請了這些蛋頭審查還丟臉成這副德性,仍然會給 paywall 漲價,理由則是武漢肺炎以及要設置符合多元價值的審查流程考慮轉行這麼摳啊... 難怪出版社漲價完全不怕反彈的
要大家繳錢換百萬長老名號,然後產出掛個自有品牌賣高價, XX 功德會嗎這麼違反人性的運作方式難怪會變一團爛攤子
這個最妙:The New England Journal of Medicine used to pay $5 per review, until some reviewers complained that "if that was the price that this eminent journal placed on their opinion, the New England Journal of Medicine should seek referees elsewhere"