any requests for tfln? i’m in bed wrangling my allergies so i could use the distraction and phone tag for a bit, unless my meds send me back to sleep again
edit: okay toplevels here we go, lemia and hotel fen loki, bc apparently it's blonde squad time?
My princess would love to tag you again, and Jon says If ever jane wants to peak out he’s happy to entertain her for a Winterfell visit and we can throw up starts if you want
i have to run out before shops close here and then make dinner so i don't know when i can get back to any tags, but i'll do my best. also, to no one's surprise i haven't done any of the writing i need to do
edit: okay toplevels here we go, lemia and hotel fen loki, bc apparently it's blonde squad time?
and we can throw up starts if you want