starting with ardyn: he's 6'5 I will not hear the (official) slander of him being any shorter than that. I will almost always go with official stuff before anything else, especially if we only have game graphics to go off of, BUT
that bitch is. ridiculously tall in the game. it's hard to tell in kingsglaive bc he's not actually in it very much and even less is he beside someone and even less is he beside someone at an angle where you can figure out relative heights
canon says gladio is 6'6. ardyn is not quite as tall as gladio's model when he's standing more or less straight. motherfucker slouches like a millennial, he is always slouching or leaning on a leg with a hip jut or something but he is most likely just a smidge shorter than gladio
he's 2033 actual years old bc jrpgs love their jesus figures and their christian iconography so he was jesus years old when he got shoved in a stone prison for 2k years
mobius as my other character in a game is 5'11 and 52, bc it's easier to choose stuff that's already true of your pb/canonical actor. no I have not chosen a birthday for him but it will probably not be owen wilson's birthday
romantically so far there is nobody, but he's gone on a date with loki, gone on a date with sylvie, is starting to flirt back with astarion (but does not actually plan on that going anywhere, if he thinks about it it'll probably just be a fun thing they do back and forth than An Actual Thing), and frankly I could see a thing with jude happening
he has not considered the personal internal ramifications of falling for a rifter. actually. like sleeping with, no problem, no big deal. romance is. not something. that he's considered and that might be weird given he sees them as actual holy heralds of andraste. but also I don't think romance is something he's considered much period?
it's discouraged with templars so he had a lot of fun sexy flings in closets and empty offices and shit but love is. like. foreign. so. that's interesting.
church is [static noises] years old and 6' solid and I haven't played him in a while so no romances for him, but, I mean, I will always have a part of my heart dedicated to chardyn lbh
malcolm is anywhere between early 30's to somewhere in his 40's depending on when I feel like playing him and 5'8, and same thing as church but I will always have soft squishy parts for malcolm/jack and malcolm/york
clint is Too Old For This Shit, like genuinely he's probably hit 50/is in his early 50s by now. yes I need to update my muselist, shh. he's been married for a long time and will stay married until his inevitably messy death the end, but also I've got several memes and psls with loki bc I love messy horrible fucked up shit like that
frankly I could ship him with most of the avengers, I just make it a point that like. unless it's an au or something. he's been married for longer than he's known any of them. but poly is always a nice option.
I mean [motions to nat] look it took me a while to come around to this ship bc I tend to be allergic to popular fandom ships and I always prefer them to be ride or die bffs I think maybe bc as an aro I get very tired of 'here is a man and a woman who are Very Close, therefore they are In Love'
right! you get it! I'm down with that shit! he's allowed to have casual work shit that's cozy while he spends weeks/months out there not at home! laura was an agent, she'd get it, he always comes home to her
marc/steven(/jake) is 37 or 38 bc I swear the wiki said mk takes place spring 2025 and then changed to mid-2024, but to be fair I don't think anyone knows I think we're just making things up
personally I've been working off the idea that the shows take place chronologically after one another, which would make anything after hawkeye into 2025. like. nwh was 2024 and ends sometime december 2024 bc the tree is still up so the last episode hasn't happened yet--
and the other other other thing about mk is that it makes zero overt references to the greater mcu. none. nobody mentions the snap or the blip, nobody mentions any other heroes, it literally genuinely stands on its own; you do not have to know anything about marvel at all to watch mk. you could fucking slide it in anywhere and it would work.
but as a filthy selfcester I am here for shipping all the moonboys, and also layla, bc Get You A Man Who Looks At You The Way Steven Looks At Layla holy shit
you can't convince me ot3 isn't canon, frankly. layla obviously loves them both, they both love layla and why wouldn't you, and what's more romantic than giving up literal heaven to rescue or otherwise be with someone
as an aside, I can't get into any shipping fics that involve marc or jake (or layla!) shortening steven's name. nicknames are fine, that's cute, but if by name you call him anything but steven then I'm already super out bc you were not paying any attention to the show. it's a big deal. I could ted talk about steven and identity okay bye
(he smooched a boy in dead florida while learning how to surf bc he was trying very hard to allow himself to be a teenager and that gives me Lots And Lots Of Feelings)
shadow is whatever age you want sonic to be, plus 50 years in cryo that may or may not count depending on how you feel about cryo, and 3'3, and his romance is usually set to No
actually nobody asked but it amuses the absolute shit out of me, that harry dresden is. canonically. like finally we got an actual number of an answer to this question as of Peace Talks. 6'9. (nice)
atem realized, after a full year in the game, that he needed to get out of his own head. and beat twewy, his Jounouchi replacement goldfish, taught him how to board
being supposedly dead let kaiba like. learn and grow. failing at something new (in front of his boyfriend anyway) is fine! because he's. having fun? just. for the sake of fun?
he also has a little sister that he will eternally be teaching how to be a real human person with normal human feelings and reasons to exist besides living for Just One Single Person and turning the world into a paradise for him
manaka absolutely pointing out that her love of saber and his love of pharaoh are in some ways very fucking similar and dealing a lot of psychic damage was good unexpected shit
as a sidenote, and I've talked about this before, but like. it is endlessly entertaining to me that there's a sliding scale of owen wilson attractivity and it seems to hinge primarily on his hair
romantic state of the rp, ages, and bc of fr chat, heights
atem realized, after a full year in the game, that he needed to get out of his own head. and beat twewy, his Jounouchi replacement goldfish, taught him how to board