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https://images.plurk.com/7AkN6o3tBThevnPyHq67Jr.png bonus; characters who then realize how fucked up they are and go 'what have i done'
One of my fa-vor-ite bits ever, in a novel is this.
I got lucky enough to read the old Doctor Who story that had the Master's origins.
He finds out his companion is a time agent, and is betrayed, he feels betrayed by his best friend, the Doctor - and he has this moment in his TARDIS where he asks himself what his choice will be.
He can take that, he can move on - or he can push the button in front of him and commit to being someone else.
And he asks, aloud, if he'll choose to suffer the slings and arrow of fortune - and then just says "Not to be." And that's it - the Master is born.
I love these stories.
E.S. Levi
/Looks at Emet-Selch from FFXIV.
E.S. Levi
Who has been trapped by his grief for 12k+ years, and has a complete breakdown at one point.
E.S. Levi : Legit I was just about to comment on this with that asshole in mind. lol
I want to both pet his head and wrap him in blankets, and shake some sense into him.
E.S. Levi
XD Exactly.
E.S. Levi
Thwap him over the head until he stops clinging to his own misery, then give him a hug.
Or something! Like. I literally started off hating that guy! Even by the end of ShB, when he begged you to remember his people had lived, I was all salty and wanted to be like "NOPE! I'm forgetting them as soon as I walk away from here just to spite you!" but of course that wasn't an option. XD And then EW happened and Oh No! A switch in my
brain was flipped!
The man literally needs so much trauma counceling!
E.S. Levi
I saw through the act by the end of ShB and recognized the trauma reaction for what it was, but...yeah, I hated him at first, too.
E.S. Levi
Of course, trauma counseling could only go so far when he had his brain scrambled by a deiform entity literally made of his people's desperation to survive.
It was all still a little too vague for me before EW, when he talked about families and kids and shit, it was like...ok, nice words, but I didn't see it. And then you got to see it and it was so painful.
Yeaaaaaaaaah, omg, tempering is a bitch.
And that's even without the severe mass trauma.
I would also include him in the list of "people who realized how fucked up they are," but at the same time, he understood, but was still like "Look, I get it, but I still stand by my morals. You were just right." which...idk what that classifies as.
E.S. Levi
Well, a big part of the narrative was the idea that the Ascians were fighting for the exact same thing as the Scions, it's just...their world and the Scions' world are incapable of coexisting.
E.S. Levi
So, he realized and understood he did horrible things...but refused to regret prioritizing his own people. (And also...there's a strong argument that what he'd done was ultimately necessary, and that the heroes would have failed and the world would have ultimately fallen to ruin otherwise.)
Yeah, and when you really think about the implications of what he would have seen the worlds as, it makes total sense. He was seeing something that was horribly broken, glued back improperly, and he had to break to put the pieces back in the proper places, without realizing that those pieces had already repaired themselves in ways that he didn't
That was the realization that made me just sit there while playing it, like...gobsmacked and horrified. And feeling like a bit of an ass for just writing him off as a shitty, evil person and nothing more.
E.S. Levi
They did a good job of taking a group that seemed just evil and selfish and turning it into a situation where very few people can say they'd have done much differently.
E.S. Levi
Except Lahabrea, who had just gone too crazy to realize or care that he was breaking things in ways that didn't need broken from any perspective.
Yeaaaah. Honestly, the storytelling in this game has blown me away. And this is coming from someone who got really tired of FF games because they seemed so "samey." A+++ work, guys, holy shit! 'cause everything he did just has a horribly sad, twisted, out-of-love aspect to it that just shakes you when you finally see it, and you just get it.
LOL Well, yeah, and also Fandaniel is a little "Sir. SIR. Stop your shenanigans, you are not helping things!"
Up until the end, where he's just completely given in to what caused it all and gone even farther over the bend than Lahabrea...
E.S. Levi
And then you still want to shake him, but for different reasons. Dumb tsundere who refuses to admit to his most recent trauma...
E.S. Levi
Hermes, you are being a little too supportive here!
lol YEP. Urge to shake is still there, just because the things he did are so bad but you wish he hadn't had to go through the things that put him there. His sass is so great, though, it makes you want to smack him. Lovingly. But maybe hard.
E.S. Levi
My WoL threw things at him.
E.S. Levi
Never anything especially hard or heavy, but.
E.S. Levi
She would yeet pine cones at his head when he was particularly rude or obnoxious.
LOL yeah. XD I was sassing him the entire time we were dealing with him in EW. Even if it got him sassing back in threatening ways. Though now I'm just imagining the WoL just...keeping things on hand to continuously pepper him in the back of the head with. Meanwhile, Hythlodaeus is just snickering.
E.S. Levi
Mine absolutely did that.
And then after everything was over...my WoL...might have gone down to Garlemald and grinded his reputation with the locals until they'd sell him that portrait of their founder so he could angry-hang it on his basement wall.
E.S. Levi
Just stuffs her pockets full of pine cones and small sticks, so she always has something to throw at him.
E.S. Levi
She also sassed him, including pestering him when she had no questions left just because it annoyed him.
I cracked up so hard at "Hey, bring it up with Emet-Selch. He made me." "I can unmake you."
E.S. Levi
And he can be as threatening as he wants, she's still dragging him over that waterfall.
E.S. Levi
I believe it was 'If I'm thin, it's because Emet-Selch did a poor job.' 'Do you want me to unmake you?'
E.S. Levi
..............And then being mad that he looks good drenched.
Like. If we'd only ever gotten to know that Emet, I would have thought he was the best thing ever! Absolute asshole who tries really hard to hide his heart of gold but is kind of bad at it, not that his boyfriend telling everyone how to get around his tsundere attitude helps him any. XD
Oh, I was shouting "You don't deserve to be so pretty...!" at my computer since ShB everytime he showed up. XD
E.S. Levi
Excuse you, his husband!
Ok, yeah, I'll give you that. XD
E.S. Levi
I did get the sense that a lot of that him came back once his head was his own again? Just. With a ton of trauma regarding mortals that made him try even harder to act indifferent.
E.S. Levi
Did you read the short stories?
Oh yeah, I totally get the feeling that the Emet we saw last was the Emet from the earliest timeline, but with all of the memories and experiences, so...he still did shit, but he's not seeing things through the twisted lens he was, and he can accept them for what they are without seeing them as ghosts of their former selves. He's just got a reputation to
The smile before they disappeared, though, fuckin' wrecked me. I had mostly gone from openly sobbing to just giggling and YAY because we were winning! And then he did that. And damnit, I'm still not over the whole "We're the reincarnation of the third spouse in their little polycule" feels, so that brought the tears right back!
I honestly haven't, yet, but I've got the tab open with them on there 'cause everyone is like "Omg why haven't you read them yet???" XD I just have adhd.
E.S. Levi
And he saw so much of what he loved about his lost spouse in the WoL, too.
E.S. Levi
And do you want me to tell you some context to make it hurt even more!
Yeah, I just headcanon that Azem was just this massive, goofy doofus who kept getting into trouble because they kept trying to help everyone and were so vexing for him at times. XD 'cause that's honestly the way mine is, when shit isn't hitting the fan.
Yesss, lay it on me. I've been suffering these feels for a couple weeks since we just finished the MSQ, now, might as well get the most out of it while it's here!
E.S. Levi
Who may or may not have licked rocks.
E.S. Levi
And! When Emet's first son as Solus was born? He saw promise and even hope in the boy. He genuinely loved that child. Who then...succumbed to some illness when Varis was still a little kid.
E.S. Levi
It broke his heart, to the point where he couldn't even look at Varis, who resembles his father so much, without scowling.
E.S. Levi
And THAT is why he seems to hate his own grandson so much!
E.S. Levi
He doesn't, really, he just hates that his grandson reminds him of that 'momentary lapse', the time when he was happy with his mortal family, and the tragic loss of his precious son :'>
...as someone who went to college for geology, that both amuses the fuck out of me, but also *??? WHEN DID WE LICK ROCKS??? I NEED TO REWATCH THAT!" XD
E.S. Levi
There's a part in EW where you can ask to lick the giant multi-aspected crystals XD
UGH his son, yeah, that was something I was just reminded of the other day and was like "OH RIGHT THERE'S MORE TRAUMA TO ADD TO THE PILE* ;A;"
E.S. Levi
The fact that he genuinely cared for his lost son makes it infinitely worse.
E.S. Levi
And the 'can I lick it' part is during the tour of the moon forest.
Though yeah, I imagine seeing the way his other descendents turned out probably did not help his descent into madness.
Lookin' at you, Zenos...B[
omg, that's amazing, I have to go look that up, now, because LFAKSJDFJA XD
E.S. Levi
When the subject comes up with my Emet, he is very infuriated by mortality and the fact that it's so common for people to just...drop dead, in the prime of their life, with so much undone.
E.S. Levi
The actual question the WoL asks is "Can I taste the rainbow?" XD
E.S. Levi
They are not, however, allowed to lick the forbidden lollipop...
E.S. Levi
And...he tried not to care about the Galvuses, after his son's death!
E.S. Levi
He tried to see Zenos as just...an unpredictable tool that's nonetheless highly useful for seeding unrest in areas under Imperial control.
E.S. Levi
But he's never been good at not caring.
Honestly, I can see the loss of his son as even more egregious, if he'd really let himself get attached. Just finally finding a reason to be happy for the first time in thousands of years, maybe he's started to heal enough that something is getting through the fog? and then bam. It's all gone again before it's even begun, in his eyes, and the break it
causes him puts him in worse shape than he was before. ;[
XD Yeah, I can definitely see the WoL trying to lick the forbidden lollipop. They have more strength than common sense, and it shows.
Man, and then just the thought that he saw the WoL and some part of him realized who they were and just HOLY SHIT. AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS! Who even knows if he understood what he was doing, at first, or even consciously recognized them, and wasn't just acting on instinctual familiarity that made him feel like trying to get the scions to see his side of
E.S. Levi
Yep, he had this taste of happiness, and then lost it in a horribly traumatic way, and just...double down on his belief that mortals were worthless.
E.S. Levi
AND! He definitely recognized the WoL right away, he commented on their soul.
things instead of fighting him? But it just wasn't something that could last. His methods and goals were too opposed to the survival of the worlds.
Ahh, ok. I couldn't remember when he first commented on it, just that we first saw him being crazy-cackling-evil villain, telling his grandson to do what I say or else, and then when that was a failure, coming to us and being like "Alright, fuck it, let's talk"
E.S. Levi
I'm pretty sure his inconsistent behavior at the end of ShB was him genuinely wanting to cooperate with the WoL, but Zodiark flat out refusing to allow him to give up on the Rejoinings, and his conscious mind clinging to 'because they failed the tests I set them' as an excuse.
I've only played it once, so far, so I forget a lot of things. XD
E.S. Levi
So have I, but I've...rather dissected it XD
E.S. Levi
Case in point: did you know that, during the boss fight, he goes back and forth between 'for my lost brethren' and 'for LORD ZODIARK'? :>
Yeaaaah, tempering sucks. I really do think he was just trying to help, he thought in his twisted mind that he was saving people, even if he had to hurt them to do it. :< And man, his hot-and-cold personality shifts really boggled me, without knowing wtf was going on. Like shooting our best kitty so he wouldn't sacrifice himself the way Hyth had,
E.S. Levi
Yeah, learning about Hyth's sacrifice...really puts into perspective why he seemed so grumpy at G'raha in specific, doesn't it?
E.S. Levi
Mine refuses to apologize for that, by the way.
E.S. Levi
He stands by what he did, even if he thought at the time that the cat wouldn't live much longer anyway.
E.S. Levi
But yeah, I'm pretty sure his wild shifts were him trying to fight Zodiark's will in order to trust in and work with the WoL...and Zodiark leaning harder on him to make it impossible to defy Him.
then offering the WoL a place to succomb to light sickness "away from prying eyes," and that's again just another instance of twisted out-of-love reasoning that's horrifying and saaaaad when you realize what he's doing.
E.S. Levi
Bonus: learning that transforming into a monstrous form was seen as something private on par with nudity in his day.
RIGHT? I had that realization the other day, too, and then was all because he transforms to fight you. literally just him completely tossing all sense out the window!
He, who was such a stickler for rules and propriety and order. Nope. Fuck it. TRANSFORMING.
E.S. Levi
..........Honestly, I think he's just lost all shame by present day.
E.S. Levi
The RPR quest strongly implies that he transformed purely to scare off a would-be assassin.
E.S. Levi
But just because he doesn't care if people see him in such an indecent state doesn't mean he's sure the
E.S. Levi
WoL wouldn't!
E.S. Levi
.....And also. He, personally, probably thought the idea of the WoL transforming into a monstrous form was hot >.>
E.S. Levi
It's honestly interesting playing Emet post-EW? Because there's a lot of ways he's reverted to his old self, but also a lot of ways just the time and experience with mortal culture have changed him.
E.S. Levi
Example: I don't think he'd keep wearing the Amaurotine robes, he's come to genuinely enjoy fashion.
Honestly yeah, he specifically says he keeps using Solus' body because he likes it, so he's started to appreciate bits of mortal culture somewhere down the lines. I kind if wonder just why he was so much more even-keel (compared to the other Ascians, though that's saying something in and of itself.) Maybe he was strong enough, aetherically, that the
tempering couldn't get as strong a hold on him?
Slow to reply, oops. I work overnights, but also I'm actively playing the game between calls. XD
E.S. Levi
Lahabrea was explicitly in bad shape because he body hopped so frequently, impersonated so many different people in short periods of time, that it eroded his own sense of self.
E.S. Levi
And Elidibus was having his memories actively eroded so there was less and less of him outside of his existence as The Heart of Zodiark.
Ahhh, ok, that makes sense.
E.S. Levi
Emet wasn't an actual part of Zodiark, and paced himself well enough that he didn't lose himself.
E.S. Levi
Other little details: the theater ship from the Ivalice raids? Solus bought that.
E.S. Levi
It was a gift because he liked the theater company so much.
E.S. Levi
He's definitely gone native to a strong degree, while at the same time clinging so hard to the nostalgia glasses that he refuses to admit there are things he likes about mortal culture better than the way things were in Amaurot.
E.S. Levi
Because if he admits there are things he likes better about the way mortals do things, that means admitting that Amaurot wasn't the perfect paradise he claims it to be :'>
I saw that! XD That was one more thing that I went back and was reminded existed, and then reminded they were his and it just out a whole new perspective on them! He was a theater nerd!
And yeaaaah, honestly, that makes sense. Brains don't like to accept when they're wrong even when the brain in question isn't fucked up.
And honestly, as outsiders, we were totally able to see where there were chips in the perfect veneer Amorout had. We just had no chance of changing it in our short time there, and it wouldn't have made a difference, anyway.
Honestly, him being a theater nerd shouldn't be a shock. He's such a dramatic bitch by the time we first meet him. lol Much more than his old self.
E.S. Levi
Such a theater nerd. By the time we first meet him, he's learned that it's okay to enjoy being the center of attention, compared to originally having it drilled into him that wanting to stand out is egotistical and shameful.
E.S. Levi
After a certain point, Sunk Cost Fallacy kicks in. He has to believe that the old world was Objectively Better, because otherwise everything he's destroyed to get it back wasn't worth it.
Yeaaaaaah. And with the shit he pulled? That's a lot of horrible shit to have to accept you did to people for no reason.
Oh man, I forgot about that. lol he hated people knowing he was there, he didn't want any attention on himself! Man, the character development they show for him is wild.
E.S. Levi
And since his basic nature is kind and compassionate...yeah.
Hyth, meanwhile, is just like "No, lemme show off my handsom husband! >:]"
Yeeep. What do you do, when you're not a bad person, but you start to realize you might be turning into a monster? deny, deny, deny!
E.S. Levi
Even tried to refuse to take his mask off, despite it being protocol! Probably overcompensating, ashamed of his own desire for attention and so actively trying to avoid notice so he could pretend he was a Good and Modest Citizen.
Like. This is a man who helped a baby critter learn to fly! He pretended it was a chore, but he wasn't really gonna leave it unhelped! And then to go from that to Solus...
E.S. Levi
He was even smiling when it made progress!
E.S. Levi
Though...there are indications that even as Solus, he was kind and warm before the 'dead son' trauma.
E.S. Levi
There's a Garlean soup named after praises sung to Emperor Solus for doing something so personal as sharing hot soup with soldiers after a day of military drills in the cold...
I also wonder how much of the doubling down was because to do otherwise would mean giving up hope on seeing Hyth again, and in admitting that Azem had been right even in the beginning, and the shame that came from that, too.
E.S. Levi
Oh, he absolutely wanted to see Hyth again.
...There is...?
E.S. Levi
A significant amount of his motivation was selfish, he just didn't want to admit it...
E.S. Levi
I mean...I wouldn't even say that's selfish. That's just a natural response to losing someone that important to you, let alone two, and a whole society to boot?
omg. QAQ
The devs really, really went out of their way to weave little things into the world-building and story to show just how wrong things went for him and how sad it was.
E.S. Levi
It's really no wonder he was so popular, if he would do things like that.
E.S. Levi
The little quality of life things a purely practically minded leader might not think of...
E.S. Levi
Oh, and don't forget! Sudden death was almost unheard of in those days.
E.S. Levi
So losing Hyth with maybe days of warning at most, when he knew Hyth wasn't ready to go and was only giving himself up out of desperation...
Right? And honestly, the whole creation of Garlemald is sad in and of itself. Their people were enslaved and broke away to form their own nation to escape it!
E.S. Levi
Driven out into the cold wastes, where they were too busy fighting each other for scraps to really fight back...
Yeah, the unexpected-death thing was something me and my gf were really talking about recently. For a culture who saw dying as a personal choice after living immortal lives, and having long, long times to get used to it, even a sacrificial death that was by choice like that would be fast and hard to take, especially when you're also dealing with the rest of
the world burning down around your head.
Exactly! So they're in turmoil, freezing and dying in the tundra, starving to death, and he steps up and gets them all to form together into a society that can survive and survive well.
E.S. Levi
So of course he's going to cling to the hope of giving the sacrificed a chance to finish their lives, especially with one of them being his husband...
A ruler like that would be very beloved.
E.S. Levi
And then he marries and has his first child, and seems so happy and full of hope. There would have been maybe twenty years or so where he was a genuinely loving husband and father, and was actually thinking about the good of Garlemald...
E.S. Levi
The promise and potential he saw in his son making him think 'maybe this era will be different, maybe humanity is finally restored enough for even mortals to be worth caring about.'
Yeaaaah. And I don't know if Hyth being back would be enough to convince Azem to return, but at that point, they weren't coming back, anyway, so getting Hyth back was the only hope he had of getting either of his loved ones back.
E.S. Levi
..........Until he found the WoL, and hoped desperately he could convince them to trust him, so that maybe they would take Azem's stone and remember what he was to them in a previous life.
Man. They really turned a deadpan snarker into a hurt the cutie into a monster.
E.S. Levi : Hah hah hah right. Have both husbands back? Please?!?
E.S. Levi
And then back into a deadpan snarker, once his will was his own again.
Or at the very least, even if Azem would never be able to forgive him for the things he'd done, at least they'd be alive!
E.S. Levi
The irony is. If he'd actually told her about it upfront? My WoL would have seriously considered taking the stone.
E.S. Levi
She's driven by curiosity and a strong belief in the value of history and stories.
E.S. Levi
So you tell her you have a rock full of memories belonging to someone who lived before even the First Umbral Era...
E.S. Levi
(Also, a thing I wonder about: the age before the First Umbral Era was considered the Age of Gods.)
E.S. Levi
(But the First Umbral Era was caused by a Rejoining, since Emet says the WoL is seven times Rejoined...)
I...don't know if mine would have. At least not the one I'm playing right now (Which, amusingly enough, is a Catboy Aziraphale from Good Omens, and my GF plays Bunnygirl Crowley. Which makes it all so much messier in unintended ways. ) There was too much mistrust in the beginning, constantly trying to see what angle he was pulling and how he
E.S. Levi
(What happened during the time between the Sundering, and the first Calamity?)
was trying to manipulate us, when he was actually, legitimately being truthful the entire time.
E.S. Levi
Mine would have been torn, up until Rak'tika and him going through with helping Y'shtola.
E.S. Levi
She couldn't think of any way that wouldn't be causing his own side a setback for the sake of a peace offering.
Oh, that definitely gave him pause, that's for sure. And they were just starting to let their guard down around him when Kitty Shootening happened.
Cue me remembering "Oh right, he's around!" and then screaming at my computer!
And now, every time I go to The Pendants, that bird is just. There. And I'm just like "Hey there, asshole. <3"
E.S. Levi
Aelienor is an idealist at heart, and part of her soul did recognize him as 'someone familiar and safe'.
E.S. Levi
It left her all kinds of conflicted.
E.S. Levi
Especially since she was not unaware he was flirting with her!
E.S. Levi
(Though, she did brush it off as just him being a jerk at first.)
Yeah, that's where Aziraphale is right now. XD Hyth's presence in Elpis certainly made him feel safe enough to not constantly be expecting Emet to go murder-happy when his back was turned, and then Ultima Thule happened and really cemented that "He's safe, he's good, No wait HOLD ON" conflicted sort of feelings. lol
I...don't think I noticed the flirting at first? XD But that could be because I was so used to the Villain Flirting With The Hero being what Zenos was doing, so Emet's was a whole lot more subtle.
I'm sure I had a couple instances of "...what? Ew. That sounded...creepery. What the heck?" but it didn't sink in until much later, when it was basically revealed that No. You were totally this man's spouse before the sundering.
Also, you can imagine my complete shock when we were in the Elidibus battle, we got poofed into the void, and then one of those Ancients in the robes wandered in like "naw, bitch. Not letting you do that to my spouse" and I was like " Ohhh, is that Hyd-...Hyth-...New-Old-Friend??? Did he come and save us???" Only to watch him turn around and give
that stupid sassy wave!
tbh, that is the point when I actually went "...NO. THAT'S NOT ALLOWED. DON'T MAKE ME LIKE YOU, ASSHOLE!"
So him showing up in Elpis had me shouting Emet-style, grumpy "NO. I'M NOT HAPPY TO SEE YOU. SHUT UP." things. lol
E.S. Levi
E.S. Levi
I went 'PHRASING' at his 'I like to watch' comment when he first introduced himself.
E.S. Levi
But no...no, he knew what he was implying.
Of course he did.
Seriously, there are absolutely so many things that the devs put in that make the ship so blatant, whether or not they say they're keeping it vague so you can fill it in with your own headcanon.
E.S. Levi
Which...honestly annoyed Aelienor at the time, because oh sure, pretend to hit on her, real classy.
Which I think is part of the reason I like it so much. Same with Urianger and Thancred. Those aren't subtext, they're blatant text.
E.S. Levi
And the WoL and Haurchefant, pre-Vault.
See, I didn't see Haurchefant, but Aymeric? Yeaaaaaaaaah.
Also G'raha. G'raha. Boy, you got it bad.
E.S. Levi
Haurchefant was more blatant in the Japanese version!
Until someone pointed out the character trope Haurchefant was filling to me, I thought it was a creepy one-sided stalkery thing. It didn't help that they literally had the WoL side-eyeing him in concern when you came back from some mission and he flipped out because you'd put yourself into danger.
E.S. Levi
They...cut out the vast majority of his horny dialogue in English, because they were afraid a male character who's so blatantly trying to get into the hero's pants wouldn't go over as well in a culture without a major 'heroic debouche' trope.
Guess between HW and ShB, they got over that concern real quick...
E.S. Levi
I think he was supposed to give the impression of coming on way too strong at first, but then by the start of HW proper, he'd earned their trust.
E.S. Levi
But no stop please do not try to follow me into fights you frankly could not handle!
E.S. Levi
We don't need you getting Tempered!
Yeah, that's the way it seemed the further we went. I went from "Do I need an adult???" to "Aww, sweet excited friend! ;w;"
E.S. Levi
Sweet excited friend who still wants in your pants, but now you know he'd never touch anyone without their consent.
And then...yanno.
E.S. Levi
......Just. Stare.
E.S. Levi
Emet is not the only WoL love interest who 'likes to watch'...
LOL Hey, at least he's sensible and respectful enough to be able to accept the friendzone and be happy with it.
E.S. Levi
Yep! Whether the WoL is attracted to him or not, he's just thrilled to have their company.
Haurchefant was, like G'raha, just happy to be involved in any way you'd have him there.
E.S. Levi
(My WoL actually did accept his advances, after ARR...)
E.S. Levi
(A supportive lover who appreciated her for reasons entirely separate from her being the Warrior of Light was exactly what she needed.)
XD See, with our two idiots, my GF's Crowley is always the one pointing out pretty people going "We can invite that one to bed." and my Aziraphale was very "Crowley! 8U" for a long time. Now, though, he's started doing it, too. lol It just took like...4 expansion packs.
E.S. Levi
Aelienor...well. The fact that she's from Limsa should say a thing or two about her attitude toward sexual things.
E.S. Levi
Her side eyeing Haurchefaunt wasn't because 'uh lewd?', it was because someone who comes on that strong, that quickly in La Noscea? Has high chances of being a scout for a slaver ring.
It doesn't help that I absolutely headcanon that outside of our weird, canon-breaking crossover characters that started as mostly a joke, the scions, and probably most of Etheirys, are a very non-binary, polyamorous society. Maybe some groups aren't that way, but they're outside the norm.
Ooooh, yeah. That'd do it.
E.S. Levi
By the time she met Emet, she was no longer afraid of slavers...but was kind of 'haha villain pretending to hit on the hero, very funny, shut up', before she started to believe his overtures of peace were genuine.
XD Just sassing the sass-master back, when he's not even trying to sass but is being genuine but the crazy gets lost in translation? lol
E.S. Levi
Though lbh, I get the feeling after that long, he's probably used to that kind of reaction and just rolls his eyes and shrugs.
E.S. Levi
Her response to him quoting a racy scene from a romcom over the lantern was an eye roll and 'give me that', and by the second 'I like to watch', she actually was amused.
also l o l wow, oh man, I just realized we took this plurk over. :U
E.S. Levi
RIGHT? I didn't realize!
lots of times I don't even look at the OPs of plurks when I'm replying. XD
0 to ∞
0 to ∞
Look, when the trope is done right, it gives such strong feelings, and hoboy was Emet "done right!" Your op just opened the floodgates!
Doesn't help that the end of his story literally just came out less than a year ago, so people are still experiencing it fresh and getting traumatized all over again...XD