Frozen Time
[meme] S word Sunday!
dragon time
can graha tia lick his own balls
Frozen Time
Not an s word but I'm having homemade bulgogi for dinner, please proceed to be jealous
Frozen Time
thank you Holly I can always count on you
Frozen Time
I'm going to say that G'raha Tia can but the Crystal Exarch can't
🦋 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓪 🦋
Does G'raha melee as well?
dragon time
The crystal flesh ain't as flexible.... a tragic loss
Frozen Time
he functions as a Paladin when tanking, so he uses sword and shield then. and ffxiv spells don't have any sort of minimum effective range so he can fight just as effectively with magic in melee as he can at range.
Frozen Time
technically mages can do auto-attacks and hit things with their staffs in melee range, too, but that is, unsurprisingly, absolute shit damage
Frozen Time
some of his aoe spells are centered on himself, though, so he does actually want to be at melee range for those