it's two weeks away, but it's long and complex and people might need the plotting lead time, particularly if they're bringing in anybody fourth wall style
YES THIS WAS ISABELLE'S IDEA BACK IN EARLY 2019 (late 2018? i know when it first showed up on our plotting comm but i don't remember when it was first mentioned in our mod plurks) AND IT HAS ALSO BEEN MY PERSONAL OBSESSION EVER SINCE
will i ever find someone playing piper or natalie/shauna/tai for tiffany and misty to bounce off of, respectively? highly unlikely. will i ever stop hoping? no
Lady Stardust
she could also start out as a patient if you wanted! just because they're wardens on the barge doesn't mean they have to start out as warden-equivalents on the event ships
can you screenshot the part that's displaying incorrectly (or just tell me where it is) and i can screenshot you how it's supposed to look when i get home?
none of them immediately recognizable as castmates (except for people who'd recognize them from misty's photos/met net during the vip flood) because they don't talk incessantly about misty the way misty talks incessantly about them
I get why that dynamic is important, but I certainly think it'd be nice to see her branch out if she's supposed to be obsessed with 'the group' and not just Nat
i think it's pretty clear that nat is her favorite rn for some reason or another (something that happened that we don't know about yet? pure chance because nat was the one who came back to her first?), but
me: bargesplit event when