Vincent Gogh
Why isn't your character dating The Doctor?
Vincent Gogh
Because The Doctor doesnt date like normal humans do
Vincent Gogh
so - taking you to see the Earth implode from a satellite could be a date
Vincent Gogh
its very complicated about when you are dating someone and you aren't
Vincent Gogh
but saving the world can count as dating if that's how you're both feeling about each other
Vincent Gogh
But watch The Doctor verbally deny this when asked directly
Vincent Gogh
and sometimes in the case of one of 13s companions, Yaz
Vincent Gogh
Yaz she was thinking she was dating 13 but it wasn't mutual
Vincent Gogh
but again dating is having adventures together and your relationship shifting and evolving in those adventures
Vincent Gogh
there isn't a picnic or candle lite dinner sorry
Vincent Gogh
and sometimes neither want to date and thats fine too
Vincent Gogh
you can be family or friends; its just very messy when dating is not normal
Vincent Gogh
I guess; typically one of them usually enjoys almost dying with this person AND has butterflies in their stomach around this person
Vincent Gogh
would be dating
I mean one of them is married to him soooo
I feel like the others deserve a pass
Vincent Gogh
The Doctor isnt monogamous and neither is River :-P
Vincent Gogh
Doctor has some sort of comsic relationship with River; that they can date or be with other people but they will always love each other
Vincent Gogh
likewise with Jack
Vincent Gogh
and Jack is also married to River xD
Monogamy is overrated when you aren't in the same time long enough to really live together
Vincent Gogh
well - they can be monogramous with other people in their lives when they do settle
Vincent Gogh
we seen that with River, Ten and Jack
Vincent Gogh
but in the bigger picture it's some kind of cosmtic relationship
Vincent Gogh
when it starts becoming River, Jack, Master/Mister, Doctor
Vincent Gogh
because 12 and River were monogamous for 24 years but they already have a cosmic relationship
Vincent Gogh
this is complicated when you live for a very long time what dating is
Vincent Gogh
and sprinkle on time travel
Vincent Gogh
but yeah, Doctor, Jack and River can settle if they want too; its just hard to have dating with The Doctor
Vincent Gogh
Which both River and Jack bonded over
Vincent Gogh
They both want to just have a simple picnic with The Doctor and guess who didnt show up
Vincent Gogh
someone is also from a culture that doesnt do that sort of thing
Vincent Gogh
so add on that
Vincent Gogh
River and Jack need to understand they need to ask
Vincent Gogh
They really, really need to ask because its not in someones culture to engage in an activity like that on their own
Vincent Gogh
like Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen in engage in those activities but its Never not with a human companion
Vincent Gogh
there might not be human dating on Gallifrey
Vincent Gogh
I wouldnt be surprised at all given how someone is
Vincent Gogh
and yes, I think Ten only was picnincig with The Queen because SHE asked
Vincent Gogh
I cannot see The Doctor making the motion
Vincent Gogh
𝔂𝓾𝓶𝓲 idk if you listened to This but River and Jack do complain with the lack of simple things like having a picnic with someone is a very hard task
Vincent Gogh
and they bond over that and have the picnic without The Doctor XD
Vincent Gogh
I also cant see 9 getting chips for himself, but only with Rose asking to do so, after seeing The Earth implode
Vincent Gogh
there's for sure culture on what is dating in here too
Vincent Gogh
rather what your species culture is about dating
Vincent Gogh
but yeah I love Jack and River bonding over wanting a picnic with The Doctor XD
Vincent Gogh
but yeah; Missy/Master, Doctor, River and Jack are having some kind of cosmic relationship with all of each other at different times plus having monogamous relationships on the side
Vincent Gogh
because River has had other monogamous relationships on the side, Jack and The Doctor
Vincent Gogh
its complicated
Vincent Gogh
but that all said; Jack and River know they need to allow that face of The Doctor accept them or not
Vincent Gogh
and understand if they're not accepted by that face
Vincent Gogh
and I really, really HOPE in that Torchwood audio of Ten and Jack that Ten and Jack got married
Vincent Gogh
just to complete the cycle since Jack and River got married